BTC Pumps, but does it matter yet?

By CryptoidiotQ
We're showing some very strong signs on the hourly charts (and smaller) again, recovering back most of what it lost from two previous big moves down. Building a flag now. I'm hoping for more up, but time will tell.

So, we've just had a big pump, we are ultimately still right in the middle of the larger crab zone and going sideways. couldn't even go over the yellow line, lame. But, if it flags bullish here it ought to take it, and that would be nice. If we can hold it it might be time to go up, but that probably won't happen yet

In the short term things look bullish till at least 35.5k again, hopefully more. We went above every notable MA and EMA on the 1h and lower. That could peter out and die but I don't think it's likley. As much as I hate to give him credit, Elon tweeted to "start finding coins", and that will bring in buyers. This market is starving for outside volume. Bulls got this. This could be a big move in a day or 3.

If we can get back above the yellow line again we might see a retest of 40k. Could also retest 30 again, as we are forming an ascending widening wedge and that often ends bearish.

All signs point to still being trapped by the crabs, so whatever happens probably won't matter much to me till that changes. This whole crab zone is nothing but a buy zone for me. There's some room for obvious longs and shorts, but I wouldn't make many leveraged trades here. Accumulate, just like the big money people are doing while they make you think they sold their bags and shake you out. Get ready for the next real move. It'll either start in the fall or in 3ish years. I know what I'm betting on.

August is approaching, I expect it to be eventful compared to what we've seen so far. July will probably be more of the same. PAY ATTENTION TO ON CHAIN DATA. We're starting to see moves from people with real money in the past few days. They must be following my longer cycles model lol. Seriously tho, I think it's really getting painfully obvious what's going on.

Only a matter of time till we see big money moves. Either Q1-2 next year or 3 years from now, why not buy here? We WILL NOT ever see anything lower than the previous cycle ATH ever again without an act of god. This is the time to start buying back in if you play your major trades long term like me. Take profit on the pi cycle indicator and then dca till the next major wave, taking obvious longs and shorts when you can to add more to the wad. It's a strategy that makes money.

Don't get left out. Buy the stupid coins. This is the bottom, the capitulation, the shakeout. There is no bear, only bull and crab. Trade this market long enough and you'll see what I mean.
Trend Analysis
