Chart Art - Bears Poaching Bulls on Daily (Story Time)


Once upon a twisted time, amidst the treacherous slopes of Mount Everest, a sinister dance unfolded. Bulls, mighty and majestic, grazed unaware, their strength luring the attention of greedy bears. With cunning precision, the bears ambushed their prey, leaving behind a trail of shattered dreams and broken horns. As the chaos ensued, moonboys in wheelchairs wheeled their way through the chaos, hoping to find solace in the serenity of the summit. But fate had a cruel sense of humor, for the bears, driven by their insatiable hunger, turned on the moonboys, wielding sharp blades as they tumbled down the icy slopes. In the depths of darkness, a macabre symphony played, blending tragedy and comedy, as the mountain echoed with laughter, forever stained by blood and rekt portfolios.

The end.

Moonboys in wheelchairs wheeled their way through the chaos, hoping to get realized gains, but were later legally stabbed by bears, their portfolios taken over by the liquidation engine and soon after, plummeting into the abyss of Goblin Tow
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