BTCUSD/ Life Is A Battle Without War. FREEDOM 2022


In a country so beautiful and free, I couldn’t imagine a better time to invite anyone in a time of need. Nor could I imagine a more dangerous place, than a life without love as we leave a w The waves of destruction, like a hurricane you can not escape destroying your home… This does not mean you can’t escape a place filled with violence and hate. We can help direct you, and show you where to go if you were to get lost, so fear not, to take a road less traveled even if it was not the route you planned to take… If you wish to share your hopes and dreams, I could not think of a better place than beautiful B.C. Every proud Canadian will welcome you to stay for as long, as you wish. With a lifetime of adventure ahead of us all, you never know what you will see on a detour you did not expect. Although, you just might wind up exactly where you are meant to be! Timing is everything, and that is something we can’t always plan, but eventually, you will find exactly where you are meant to be, at just the right moment. In Canada we will not judge you, it is a land so free you’re welcome to be who you were born to be! We would not force war upon you… or any of our other friends, no matter what country you are from. A land that accepts your cultural background, and we’re willing to listen to everything you have to say, as well as respect the boundaries of one another as we set aside our differences and accept you as you are. We are Canadian, we would pick you up and say sorry for any pain you had ever felt when we were not there to brush the dirt away. In Canada, we will proudly raise our flags as well as yours, because we are more than ecstatic to share such a beautiful life in a country so free to be who you are, a place you can comfortably voice your opinion, and be heard. Please remember there will never be a moment that we will not stand beside you to guide you, we will stand before you with such great honor if you need protection, and we will always stand behind everything you believe in to support you and the ones you love. In return, all we ask is that you show the same respect that we promise to share with you, not just today or tomorrow, but every day… For the rest of our lives. We are more than happy to hear your story too, as it is a part of who we are and how it had brought us all together. And we will celebrate and share our traditions, enjoying a glorious moment without war.

SUPPORT (to be continued)

A planet so small has never felt so large. Finding your way in a world is not so easy alone. There is only so much one person can handle, though one small gesture can brighten someone’s day even on the darkest of days. The power that comes with a small random act of kindness, holds the largest impact that can only be felt by your heart, as it travels much farther than the eye can see. Understand, that not every day is meant to be perfect, or easy, the days that have been the hardest, are the exact moments that help one another as we build up our strength to move forward together as we no longer need to feel defeated when all has gone wrong, doing everything which you thought had been right… Yet a barrier still seems too high to reach and stands in your way… The importance of overcoming an obstacle is always so accomplishing, especially when we have struggled and fought so hard to overcome these barriers that we had once thought were far beyond our reach. No matter how many times we had fallen, feeling every scar form as our hearts are pierced with so much pain… Weighing you down more with every step hoping you don’t fall as hard as you had before… Wondering “Is this the moment that breaks you… Or is this the moment that makes you” upset by the substances that terrorize their minds, when support is all that is needed to nourish life across the world as the rain falls, as we stride into a brighter day, as flowers start to bloom, the sun shines, feeling the warmth shine upon the darkest of days lifting our spirits. Looking into the eyes of a lost soul is never easy, especially if you knew exactly who they used to be. A pain so deep that it had forced them to walk a path so dark and eerie that had changed the beautiful soul they used to be. Grasping such a lovely soul before it wanders too far can be the most heroic thing one can do for another, and possibly help them shine brighter than they did yesterday.

The Drowned Forrest
Coniferous trees live hundreds of years, you can count the rings of a fallen tree, each ring is a year. Not every ring is the same, nor is it perfect. Seasons change, and so does the atmosphere. If you take a close look some may overlap or lay far apart. Telling a story if you wish to learn the history of a particular forest. If adventure is all you seek, gather your family, or friends. There are over a million hidden paths to explore that are far too amazing, not to share such a beautiful experience with the people you cherish.
There once was a volcanic eruption, that covered the earth. A horrific tragedy, unfortunately, we could not avoid, but it is just a part of history in the Nass Valley… The volcano had been so strong, as it had been building up so much inside for years, we could not see it coming till the ground began to tremble and shake, as the mountain had started to explode, covering our sacred land with lava molting the earth which lays beneath our feet today, destroying the sacred land of 3 villages covering 17,683 acres of land. Although it had been unfortunate destroying the home of my ancestors in New A'ainche, Greenville, and Kitkatla. It has given us so much more to live for as the lakes, rivers, and creeks glimmer the most gorgeous, unique, turquoise blue glimmering in clean water so clean, and clear you you may see the lava that lays beneath the water covering the drowned forest… Before life had grown back, Streaming through the mountains, flowing over the lava rock filled with minerals that had not been nourishing the earth that had not been there before this unfortunate, natural disaster, lichen an flowing through coniferous trees ending in a pool surrounded by trees as the sun glimmers through and , so unique, that it glimmers as the sun shines upon us. If you take a close look, you can almost see everything beneath the surface, Especially the lava that lays beneath the drowned forest. Even though the elements were hard as a rock, did not stop life from happening. The snow had come by winter and melted in the spring, creating water that flowed down the surrounding mountains. Not only did the water flow freely, but it also brought along other elements of life with it, there had been dirt, and rocks containing minerals that helped nurture life. Before there were trees, there had to be lichen and moss, along with all the other elements that helped them grow through the lava.
This powerful volcano had so much force built up beneath the surface there had been no way to contain all it had built up… Other than to erupt and explode releasing all that it had been holding, everything it had been building up inside for so long, that nobody could even see. This eruption was so powerful that the explosion covered 17,683 acres of land. This land is sacred territory, it is in fact illegal to remove the remains that it had left behind. The life it had taken lays beneath holding the spirits of our past, which is why we are not permitted to take the lava rock away from its home as it is part of a life that our ancestors once lived, sharing their last bit of life they had to give in such an amazing forest.
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