Drop Alert Advisory & Dragon Wing Formation Up Green Surge Line

By BAmos63
Drop Alert Advisory & Dragon Wing Formation Up Green Surge Line
Initial Result of the Original Drop Alert: Bitcoin Fell the Next Day down 700,00 from 10,850 to 10,150 and then it eventually fell to 9,940...

Look For an Abrupt Drop to the Surge Line for a Safe Entry Point on or before Sept. 14th/15th, which is when the Current Trade Activity will make contact with the surge line, as it moves up from the Baseline on the 12th to pass the Downtrend Pitch on the 15th/16th...





Bitcoin will most likely Drop to the Green Surge Line Prior To Forming the Neck and Head as it did on all previous Cycle Events resulting in Dragon Formation...

Neck and Head Formation is Possible after Contact with the Green Up-Surge Line, which is usually what triggers the Formation of the Dragon Neck and head in combination with the 28 Day Bitcoin Cycle/Wave Pushing everything up before Dumping it down the Climatic Regression Channels...

Look for a Possible Deep Cut of Right Wing as Low as 9,000 Prior to the Neck & Head Formation, which is Classic and easily seen in the charts, if you look at the Previous Cycles when Dragons formed... In every case the Dragon Wing was Deeply Cut Several times and/or eventually Severed, prior to Neck and Head formation...

During the last 28 day Cycle Bitcoin was at 12,000 and it form a Dragon Wing just like this one, which is when they called the Bull Rally and Bitcoin fell to 9,000.; this was when they said we were trading above the top line and we weren't; they were using a Pitch Line that was strangely off by 10 to 15 degrees, so when they said we were trading above the top line, we never did...

Instead of going up, Bitcoin abruptly fell to 9,000; when several people called a bull flag alert, I said it was a Pitch Line Scam and called it down to 9,100 and it hit 9,050, and I did the same thing on the Cycle before that Cycle, when it was at 11,900 in July... I called it down between 9,200 and 9,600 on July 2nd, 3rd and 4th, and then on the 10th, it dropped abruptly and eventually fell to 9,200 with a high of 9,600 on the same day...

I don't usually call a Rally, but I do call the Bottom very accurately...

Back to business

If you look at the charts, the Green Up-Surge Line is Moving Up from the Baseline on the 12th and Crossing the top on the 15/16th; it is Currently Right Inline w/ the Cycle Drop Zone and we are likely to make Contact and Surge with it, through the Star of Enoch as it crosses the Top Downtrend Pitch...

If we Surge up with the Surge Line we will Cross the Top Downtrend Pitch at the Same time we Cross the Star of Enoch; the Crossing Date is Sept 15/16th for this dual event... Moreover, if we Cross the Top Downtrend Pitch it is likely this level will end and Bitcoin will move up the next level... The Next Level above the current one tops out at 16, 795 with Several Dragon Heads reaching up to the top Downtrend Pitch... The First Dragon Head peaks at 16,795, yet it is only available up to the 19th of September, if we miss that date the next Dragon is available up to October 3rd and that Dragon Peaks at 16,290, and there is plenty of time to reach it... This level has a baseline at 12,775 and a Mid-line at 14,780... The Level above that Level tops out at 22,845.00, which is available if we get there by the cutoff date (September 24th), if not the Next Dragon down peaks at 22,310 on October 11th, which is just like the Level below, so if we miss a date, there is always another Dragon in another Diamond Shaped time slot above us and/or to the right of the current trade activity!

If Bitcoin Drops with the Cycle Bands as it Has Repeatedly, it will eventually Makes Contact with the Green Up-Surge Line, and if it Doesn't Drop, it will Crossover the Top Downtrend Pitch, and as it does it will also Crossover the Star of Enoch on the 15th/16th, and even if it Drops, it Could Easily Surge Back Up the Green Surge & Rally Line and Still Cross the Star of Enoch on Sept. 15th/16th...

snapshot If we Drop there is a Dragon Slot waiting for us at 10,290, which will seem quite high if we drop down below 9,000 and that date is available until September 28th...

Bitcoin Broke Back Mountain R Purple (4 Hour) 28 Day Cycle

snapshot Dragon Formation up the Surge Line & Star of Enoch Crossing Date September 15/16th (10,438.052)

snapshot Dragon Formation up the Surge Line & Star of Enoch Crossing Date September 15/16th

snapshot Drop Rates $600 per Cycle w/ Inferred Baseline and $1,060 w/ Actual Baseline (10,106.206)

Bitcoin Broke Back Mountain (1 Hour) Star of Enoch

snapshot Dragon Formation up the Surge Line & Star of Enoch Crossing Date September 15/16th (10,320.859)

snapshot Dragon Formation up the Surge Line & Star of Enoch Crossing Date September 15/16th (10,395.719)

snapshot Star of Enoch Crossing Date September 15/16th or If We Drop the Next Dragon Peaks at 10,290 (10,337.451)

snapshot Star of Enoch Crossing Date September 15/16th or If We Drop the Next Dragon Peaks at 10,290 (9,940.298)

Bitcoin Broke Back Mountain R Purple (4 Hour) 30 Day w Grid Code

snapshot Star of Enoch Crossing Date September 15/16th or If We Drop the Next Dragon Peaks at 10,290 (10,335.00)

snapshot Star of Enoch Crossing Date September 15/16th or If We Drop the Next Dragon Peaks at 10,290 (10,089.64)

Bitcoin Broke Back Mountain R Purple (4 Hour) 30 Day Cycle

snapshot Dragon Formation up the Surge Line & Star of Enoch Crossing Date September 15/16th

snapshot Dragon Formation up the Surge Line & Star of Enoch Crossing Date September 15/16th

Bitcoin Broke Back Mountain (1 Hour) R Purple (30 Day Cycle)

snapshot Dragon Formation up the Surge Line & Star of Enoch Crossing Date September 15/16th

snapshot Star of Enoch Crossing Date September 15/16th (10,068.121)

snapshot Star of Enoch Crossing Date September 15/16th (10,047.028)

Bitcoin Broke Back Mountain (1 Hour) R Purple (30 Day Cycle) 2

snapshot Dragon Formation up the Surge Line & Star of Enoch Crossing Date September 15/16th

snapshot Star of Enoch Crossing Date September 15/16th (10,092.62)

Welcome to the Bitcoin Grid Code & Home of the Scared Tetrahedron Star

snapshot Welcome to the Bitcoin Grid Code & Home of the Scared Tetrahedron Star with All Strategic Points Connecting

(I added the Actual Angles of the Primary Trend-Lines and Baselines Lines & I will eventually add the Bar measurements so other people can contribute; if anyone is interested in Helping, feel free to contact me!)

Forward to the Future as the Tetrahedron Star Reveals the Highs and Lows of the Next Level

snapshot Forward to the Future as the Tetrahedron Star Reveals the Highs and Lows of the Next Level, with Complete Detail of Every Dragon


(Updates to the Bitcoin Grid Code will Follow on a Weekly Basis)

Copyright 2019, by Bryan Christopher Amos
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