IT IS NOT OVER ... Believe me!

By Javad3Zafar
So I start to count Elliott waves ( and sub waves ) from beginning. all the way from 2010 in weekly time frame ...
since we don't have any data before 2010 I think we can count that as the start of first run.
I will type the result since the chart is too big and probably you can't see the details

so this is the first run and i don't want to go to much detailed stuff. By the way the first run could be the Wave 1 of the much much bigger Elliott wave ( keep that in mind for future )

First Bullrun or Elliott impulse wave ( white lines )
Start of wave one: 12 Jul 2010 , price: 0.05$
End of wave five : 02 Dec 2013 , Price: 1240$

First Bear market or Elliott corrective wave ( grey lines )
Start of wave A : 02 Dec 2013 , Price: 1240$
End of wave C : 17 Aug 2015 , Price: 162

and now I'm going to count the second Bullrun. the one that we are in it right now. and could be the Wave 3 of the much much bigger Elliott wave ( keep that in mind as well :D ). I will go to more details and count the impulses and correctives but not gonna count the sub waves. you can see them in my chart ( red lines are the main waves and inside them the green lines are the sub waves )

Second Bullrun

Impulse Wave 1
Start: 17 Aug 2015 , Price: 162 ====> End : 11 Dec 2017, Price: 19800$
Corrective wave 2
Start: 11 Dec 2017, Price: 19800$ ====> End : 17 Dec 2018, Price: 3200$

Impulse Wave 3
Start: : 17 Dec 2018, Price: 3200$ ====> End : 12 Apr 2021, Price: 65000$
Corrective wave 4
Start: 12 Apr 2021, Price: 65000$ ====> End : 19 Jul 2021, Price: 29000$

Impulse Wave 5
Start: 19 Jul 2021, Price: 29000$ ====> End : TBA
and after that the second Bear Market will occur as a ABC Elliott corrective wave

I believe we are in wave 5 of the main wave and inside that ( Sub Waves ) , impulse wave 1 is complete and we are in corrective wave 2
I believe we don't need to panic and sell out our holdings.
usually wave 5 is the most bullish wave and there will be a lot of FOMO and greed in ppl. we are in the first stage of this wave ! so don't be afraid ...

Keep that in mind always DYOR! I'm not a financial adviser and this is NOT A BUY SIGNAL. DO NOT SELL your kidney, eye ball, your loved ones to buy bitcoin! it's wrong ...
by the way this will be invalidate if we go under 29000$. after that you can sell your stuff that mentioned earlier to make a living !

another thing ! I don't have any target for the end of wave 5 ...
Beyond Technical AnalysisBitcoin (Cryptocurrency)bullruncryptoElliott Wave
