
Why Buying?

By alibadshah88
Tell please why are you buying here? Give me one logical reason if you're buying it from this level currently? It's weekly tf weekly resistance already met no correction seen so far even if it's not a leading diagonal and even if it's making impulsive wave of 5 of 3 it DOES need to correct as 4 because it has already topped it's 5th of 3rd wave don't you see that??? Please be kind enough to mind your own business if you don't have any reason to buy or sell it's okay but buying here??? Without any logical reason?? Why??? News? Lol you must be good "consistent trader" then please forgive me and just leave. What is the reason other than the news and hype that they are creating and pushing the price up n up just to attract the crowd and go SHORT! This is how it works.. Please! Don't blame me if you can't see what I'm seeing here I'm not a news trader don't even ask me why just mind your own business if you don't like my ta f o i d g a f. Not a trading advice do your own ta thanks.
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