When everyone talks about Bull makes and going long,You should..

By Honalulu
Everywhere you look, everyone is talking about BTC Bull market beginning. I use few indicators when I trade BTC. First one is I look at majority opinion. If they agree on Buying I Sell and When everyone talks about crash I do Buy. Not 100% I do the opposite. Half of the time I just do nothing if something to me is unclear.

And second indicator. I follow Alanmaster and D4rkEnergY. So when these two say go long I sell immediately, or at least lock the profit if I had open position. That workes around 85% of time.

It is very dificult to say where BTC will go from this point. I doubt that Bull market has started only from one 3200 touch. But who knows this is crypto market, logic is the enemy if you are trader.
BTC likes to do the opposite what people expect. It can climb 30 days slowly slowly and then BOOM. Droped 500 in 4 hours.
Think about Bots, don't use logic.

My advice kill the greed, wait quietly and you will see. It's quite dangerous to have possition opened at this moment.

Trend AnalysisWave Analysis
