Bitcoin and the Bitfinex Shorts

If the shorts continue to get squeezed it could add a lot of fuel to the Bull rally. If this daily chart is a valid H&S pattern and it breaks the neckline South watch out!
Hit the "Play" button. They are selling the CRAP out of Bitcoin but it continues to rise nonetheless. What happens when they can't sell anymore or have to cover?

Who is doing this? It can't be Joe Schmecky the retail day trader. If it is they are going to get their asses handed to them.
I have remove all but 10% of my Satoshi from the Exchanges. This just does not look right to me.

Bitcoin blasts North but the shorts keep opening new positions?

Nah, I don't thing so. Something else is going on that I want no part of.

When your grand children are working for me remember that you had the chance to make a difference in their lives TODAY.
bitcoinbearslayerbitfinexbreakdownChart PatternsTechnical IndicatorsshortssqueezeTrend Analysis
