3 triangle breakdowns bearish but with no convincing volume

follow through, the question on everyone's mind is "are we going short or long" the market and bulls ,bears are playing tug o war with fake out after fake out, believe me i got caught in 2 of them and it taught me 1 lesson and that is to only use low leverage because if u use high leverage you will indeed get rekt in this bipolar bitcoin market with the crazy swings up and down with volatility that just cant be controlled and which way bitcoin goes from here is anyones guess, myself i put in a short position with low leverage as we broke 3 triangle patterns since yesterday , look above at the yellow s.triangle, then a purple s.triangle and then the a.wedge/triangle, they all broke but not in convincing fassion as there was no real volume to go with a creditable breakdown so we will just wait and see where bitcoin and its mental disorder "bipolar ups and downs goes from here, rule number 1 in this kind of undecided market is to not use high leverage as it will get you rekt quickly, please do not mind the colorful and very messy lined chart, its done to help me but can be confusing to others .
Bearish PatternsBitcoin (Cryptocurrency)BTCBullish PatternsbybitChart PatternscryptoCryptocurrencyTechnical IndicatorsphemextradingTrend Analysis
