BTC Bitcoin/USDT Bybit chart. The good, the bad and the ugly!

By pachem
Hey yall let me explain some things real quick. First, I cant use my mic right now... Little cute daughter and wife sleep in my room. Please excuse me. Im also on my laptop not my office set up lol... So I apologize... Great levels to see on my chart as I fib from march 20th of 2020 all the way to ATH of 69k and then 69K back down to the latest low of 32kish... The 0.382 lines up to be a perfect explanation level of resistance as you will see in the video all though I don't explain it all that well lol. Hope you still get something out of it! Any questions I'm happy to answer just leave comments! I know its not rocket science for you advanced traders or even intermediate. Im just sharing my findings... Don't jump down my throat, experts.... most people are very cool on this platform. Some take this a bit too seriously! Just trying to help! Remember that pls when you comment... Feel free to roast me, however, on my lack of short cut skills or my random nervous movements! hahahahaha. I'm good with that! Be blessed and stay free fellow humans! Pachem
BTCUSDTFibonacciTechnical IndicatorslevelslongshorttradeideaTriangle
