Bitcoin Chart Analysis 1hour Time Frame

Simple and Short :
Bitcoin Trend obviously is Bullish.
There is a good Demand area right now near 41150 - 42400 .
Breaking 44000 is a confirm key for touching 45550 - 47000 .
If price looses this support next area would be 39270 - 39850 .
loosing 39200 would have changed the trend to Bearish.
Price has touched lower Demand zone
Breaking 42200 is a confirmation for a move to 43200 - 44000 .
Then 45550-47000 as I told before.
Price has touched the target area ( 43200 - 44000).
Next would be 45550 - 47000 .
loosing 42800 is a signal for changing the direction.
Pivot PointsSupply and DemandSupport and Resistance

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