ultimate long term BTC (late 2023) price action

This could be the most meticulously detailed long term prediction chart I've made, I make similar ones for myself but without nearly any of the price movement drawn in and definitely no price tags - this one was created with other viewers in mind and I tried to make it look as beautiful as possible too, with an healthy amount of care and love. If you find it useful whether now or later please dont forget to maybe shoot me a little something via any of my crypto addresses as I could use some extra income at the moment not out of greed or hustle but actually due to necessity and perhaps contrary to what my amazing artisan grade charting accumen may suggest.

For those who are already familiar with setting up fib levels channels and trends and do it often, I am also willing to make similar charts (individually and privately) for any chart(cryptocurrency ideally) with your choice of timeframe(s) and periods/ranges for anyone who wants to have a chart set up with perfect fib levels, fib channels, trends, and significant price levels drawn in with additional analysis from coming from VPVR (which is the volume indicator on the y-axis for free users), time based patterns and trends, fractal analysis, and multiple combinations of other exclusive indicators created by the coding and charting geniuses here on tradingview some of which are already amazing by themselves but made even moreso thru the combinations and stacks (indicators of indicators for instance) I have discovered over the years that work for them with the main sole focus on optimization for crypto markets. Those indicators are utilized regularly find the optimal points of setup for all fib related drawings and additionally I can include the panes with my custom indicators and one of a kind indicator stacks with the charts so they can be utilized for their main purpose which is an indicator for the direct price action.

Anyone who has not yet charted with Fibonacci levels will quickly find that it is the biggest kept secret perhaps nearly all serious trading utilizes and considers when predicting and identifying key price levels and trade strategy. If you've ever wondered how in the world to possibly time and trade at the very tops and lows of the price action and that you never seem to be able to identify, the difference will be between night and day once you make Fibonacci ratios and models relevant to your charts. On the flipside, experienced traders who are in the know and understand fibs to be a necessary consideration, if not the starting framework of every one of their technical analysis know also not every fib setup or fib based channel or trend is created equal - the best models that capture the most key price levels with the least amount of drawing/fib levels drawn are often not with 0 set at local min and 1 set at local max. The best models and trends will even enmesh with non fib based indicators, historical or other non fib support/resistances and trends, and time based patterns as well as reveal fractal patterns that previously weren't identified. Any half decent fib based price levels or channel should still be highly accurate and relevant months, even years after the initial setup, given the price has not broken out of the range of the fib levels or channel.

I can say with a high level of certainty that I can find and create those fib based models to the degree where I am willing to chart for EVERYONE free of any charge at least their first or even first couple charts they request. Anyone who hasn't had extensive experience drawing Fibonaccis will probably appreciate how their favorite coin or asset now has an accurate and useful set of price levels that stay that way for weeks or even months to come, and Fibonacci veterans will probably find the cost to time tradeoff worth it for Fibonacci setups predrawn expertly to their spec, for every chart and timeframe they need, because face it, even if you are the galaxy's premier fibonacci prodigy who sets up the best most sought after drawings it still becomes a chore, that takes up a good amount of time, that if you could find a equally or close to equal service to do it for you, a person who takes advantage of all available options surely would be asking themselves, how much is my time worth? No matter who you are I am totally open to shooting you at least one or two fibonaccis, 1 because I am happy just to help people unconditionally and 2 I do actually need money, If you are wondering how it is largely due to carelessness allowing about 95% of my assets to get tied up in a crypto loan deal where my assets became fully collateralized for my relatively small and manageable loan but due to rules I didn't fully understand the scope of until too late SUCH as a terrible LTV ratio for my asset and also how my asset was one that would not be capability of directly paying off my loan. Long story short I bajowzered all my working capital which in trading is necessary to maintain to the same degree in which you desire your income to stay the same.

IF you are wondering how anything I've written till now has to do with the what could be the most epic long term BTC analysis you'll see today, rest assured, most of it actually is - there is nothing arbitrary about the chart at all, despite how much I've crammed in it. The most arbitrary part would be the predicted price action and numerical price labels, the labels serving sort of as a frame of reference as well as serving as possible takeaways for people who don't like everything else. The price action however - the blue and orange and pink arrows should hopefully serve better as a guide to help people understand how prices will react based on its up/down fib based context(horizontal price levels and trend lines) in conjunction with the context of it's price history (so collectively the context from up down and left). There are a couple instances where I tried to model the price action to fit a specific scenario - two of which whose arrows can be easily identified by their unique Doo Doo brown color and white, corresponding to what I reckon is the worst most bearish market behavior that can occur in the shortest amount of time and the most realistic scenario where you have the highest sustained price increase, respectively. Most of the price action modeling I drew are the pink arrows which IMO show possible setups and how sustainable/aggresive type setups could end up being. I did not bother to retrace pullbacks from the pink breakouts, as I didn't see any point in that and I assume people can trace in their head what retracement from those breakouts could look like. The zones belonging to missing price retracement following strong pink upswing is identified by the large translucent green ellipse that covers much of the upper portion of the uptrending fib channel. I also did not explore pricing action in heavy bear territory as it might not only be disturbing to the increasing influx of investors and newcomer to this space, it is also crappy to think about 25k-35k BTC while all your life savings as crypto asset is also withering awayin a account you cannot access or change. I also do not draw downtrending fib channels on any of the most sacred BTCUSD charts, at least when it come to my charts.

A couple other things, just like everything that is not an arrow or price label, the vertical time markers are not arbitrary as well. That's not to say I remember why each of them are there, but I have a system of colors and codes and I can allow my future self to note the degree of relevance and significance of a drawing or indicator made during a time my future self will have nearly lost memory of all specifics. That being said I have a fib based time extension in thin blue vertical lines and a single chartreuse dashed vertical on 8/22. This specific fib time zones in blue is modeled to reflect changes in trend and candlestick patterns while also capturing cyclical spikes in volume. The dashed vertical on 8/22 is important for one reason I just don't remember why. Most if not all predictive price modeling is built on the horizontal fib levels and the uptendng fib channel, both are in a multicolored overlapping extended setup. We see that modeled price action convergence concentrates at the blue fib time marker and from my perspective price action can break in all sorts of directions approaching the enigmatic dashed 8/22 mark. I seriously forgot why the marker is there but have faith knowing there were already validating/supporting indicators and drawings (I'm pretty sure) I also forgot exactly which but surely existed alongside the 8/22 line before I started this analysis.
A good number of less arbitrary drawings and zones found context with the 8/22 line, one which is the very bullish and handsome looking triangle where the single white colored upswing can be seen coming in contact with, the triangle being what I think is a critical zone for the candles to punch through in order for permanent, > $100k price stabilization to occur ANYTIME in the year of 2022. This of course is my subjective opinion based my already ambitious attempt to precisely define price movement and zones 6-8 months down the line for one of the most unstable volatile assets BUT this is far from my first time doing this, it's being done with framework (fibs) and underlying structure I've seen work with higher reliability and consistency than anything in this space, and also BTC and crypto as a whole is definitively getting settled in fundamentally by all players worldwide as something to have faith in. Note also how I've aggressively modeled multiple directions in which price could go in an attmpt to explore as many realistic possibilities for all scenarios where BTC does not take an early nose dive (sub 35k before late spring). I have not explored at all the possibility or likelihood of such a thing happening, for all intents and purposes it could be the case that a more objective starting perspective could have realized a very high likelihood of a heavy sustained bear market for much of early 2022 which would make 90% of this analysis worthless I reckon. However I know for a fact that for what I can picture as the longest term timeframe for purposes of valuation I am always going to pick bullish over bearish on BTC and definitely crypto as a whole, which in my mind makes all instances of any bearishness, being only relevant strictly to a shorter term the equivalent to noise, even if it's noise that makes you broke and homeless and desperately trying to drum up income doing the the only things you know how to do after 3 years of no formal employment with your income being all from coin speculation.

Hindsight set aside though, let me continue to the next non-arbitrary construction from yours truly which is the yellow support/resistance zone in the 38 to 42ish K area immediately proceeding the dashed 8/22 enigma time marker. What I am calling here with no certain amount of guarantee or confidence for that matter (which is why we created so many of these, in case your intensely specific quantitative parameters were incorrectly predicted 8 months ahead of time we can fall back on a different prediction) is that if the price is still hanging out in this zone after september 2022 and/or up to spring 2023, a clean break up or down can mean heavy stagnation/stabilization as very definitive support/resist zone in the 38-42 or 45 k (forgot the numbers) is set and possibly high price flux back to worst case 25K levels, in the case we don't see much ATH action or anything similar to any pink price action until 2023, a bullish break up out of the zone could stabilize around 90k.

Lastly we have the yuck zone which is where we end up if BTC exits the yellow rectangle in a downward inclination, zone highlighted by the large red ellipse which also represents where price could fester at if price continues past the 8/22 time marker completely below the yellow zone. I don't really like talking about or exploring possibilities here, which could also be evidenced by the lack of any price predictions drawn in this zone on the chart. Perhaps for another person's analysis~

Moving on, some final takeaways that are noteworthy that haven't been mentioned yet include perhaps the seeming difficulty of maintaining price action above 85-90k, let alone hit 100k, and especially after mid-late 2022 since the critical levels and concentration of trending support and horizontal support start to space out and require large price increases to jump from one support to the next, at the same time those supports perhaps also not being the sturdiest due to various factors that could be inferred from context here. The risk of a bear market existing as long as price goes below 42k up until March 2023 and also anywhere below the .618 fib channel even AFTER spring 2023 level in bright purple could mean 25k, 32k, 35k, 38k bottoms with whatever stagnation following serving as a deterrent for buyers who want to take BTC past ATH levels. This could very well be the reason there are calls for 20-30k bear market prices currently( Jan 2022) as perhaps some want to get it over with so to speak and raise likelihood of ATH stabilization above 85k well before EOY 2022.

If you like my charting I can provide similar analysis (sans price tags and extra aesthetics). The fib levels and channels I create are efficient, effective, and with a simple combination of a horizontal and a trend based channel overlaid all on your candles or bars or even line graph, you will have anywhere between a week to a year (as shown on this analysis) worth of reliable support and resistance that provides zones, trend lines, and other points or forms of reference to build and anchor all your other drawings, analysis, and indicators on that you will come to trust. I use a wide assortment of strategies and tool to set up all my fib based price levels and trend channels and for a simple setup of a couple fib levels and one or two fib channels I would charge $5 or at most $10 - perhaps merely the amount you save from just 1 slightly more precise trade alone. Feel welcome to reach out and I can work with whatever you may need - fib enhanced chart of your favorite coin or anything (tradingview) or ask about other indicators and tools I use such as the special ichimoku cloud that I didn't talk about much here but played a sizable role in the analysis - it's hard to convey how well all the tools perform that I can share with anyone interested but I am confident to let anybody check them out for free and see if they vastly outperform their existing strategies.

Text is the best way to communicate especially when it can be highly time sensitive. If you just want to help me out and encourage me to put out more of this stuff thru monetary means I would super appreciate it during this unfortunately needier period of my life and I will probably love you forever. Also when you first initially text me be sure to get straight to the point so I don't write you off as some stranger with questionable motives! i'm always really glad to help good people even for free but I don have the luxury to serve any capacity beyond anything explicitly described here, especially if going to result in a bad time for somebody. I don't believe in bad vibes and especially in this space where so much wealth is generated with ease for nearly anyone with no barriers, people should stay grateful to be blessed in being ahead of most of the world financially speaking and return the wealth if not directly, then at the least through good vibes and upbuilding positivity! Crypto fundamentally is about transparency, integrity, and legitimacy in all areas, and if you know that BTC and crypto owes it's success to such fundamentals and you owe your success or gains in part to crypto, it should feel obligatory to not only embody those fundamentals in your own character as well but also making sure to encourage it in others, especially if they represent or take part in this crypto space! To do otherwise is hypocrisy, and you know it if you understand what I'm saying here!

Take care all, I think I may have topped out both my charting and writing capability quotas for the month all at the same time with this - if you are broke like me but you appreciate my stuff make sure you leave me some good vibes in the comments. Much love to you all~~





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