2nd Historical week in 2020 -Friday Mar.13 & Nov. 13th 2020

I have noticed the sentiment around Friday the 13th over the years is typically a negative one with the masses. So, I have always paid attention to significant days such as the upcoming one. Friday, November 13th, 2020. I personally have always believed it to be a lucky and positive coincidence on the 13th of any calendar month falling on a Friday. I have met a lot of very successful people who same similar beliefs about Friday the 13ths.

I am not predicting any direction of BTC on this day. I am only showing my observation of what significant change in BTC's price leading up to Friday the 13th in March in correlation to the global pandemic.

The BTC market experienced a significant sell-off from 10k to 3700 the week of the last Friday the 13th. From there we have been on a steady incline in price. The reasoning for panic selling in all markets not just BTC was a global pandemic - Covid 19

November 9th, 2020 the week leading up to 2020's second Friday the 13th happening, has had some ironic similarities.

Pfizer biopharmaceuticals company announces a vaccine for covid 19th on Monday, November 9th, 2020 with the big media outlets announcing Joe Biden has won the US elections or is on track to win.

I am only posting my observation as I am excited to see how these next few days play out in the markets and BTC.
whatever the outcome is, I believe these two weeks in 2020 will be historical moments to remember in years to come.

Do your own research and if you found this was beneficial to you. Please follow and I will start posting more thoughts, observations etc.

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