BTCUSDT , Until now we are in downward trend

Hello everybody

According to our analysis about btc , with high chance our analysis exactly happen , and now we make new breakwave and we need pullback to have correction this breakwave and recovery the price , but the most important point is , until the price trade in below the trendline the market is bearish and the power of the seller is more than buyer .

After break this zone we can go up until the trendline , until the key point is not broken and close candle above of them and the trend is downward and we should take sell position not ... :D

Previous analysis :

BTCUSDT , Will come in buy zone because ...

BTCUSDT , We need pullback because of ...

Good Luck
BTCUSDbtcusdideabtcusdlongbtcusdshortBTCUSDTbtcusdtlongBTCUSDTPERPbtcusdtshortFundamental AnalysisTrend AnalysisWave AnalysisXBTUSD

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