Double Bottom --> Bull Trap --> Crash (In days!) --> Death Cross

By Bullbearish
Bitcoin has arrived at the upper parabola. If I'm correct, the predicted and (dare I say) manipulated Bull Trap is here.

This is update #8 to my original May 5 post. Note, however, that the Bull Trap was first called on the June 6 update. I'm not bragging, I'm warning: If the near-vertical radial line "e" is saying what I think it's saying, we're at the edge of a very high and steep cliff.

Changes made since my last post:

1. I added 200- and 50-day moving averages (in orange) and circled the likely Death Cross location. And I note: The 40k right corner of my chart is getting crowded with ominous indicators.

2. I added a less extreme, more likely (?) path to the lower BLX parabola line at the bottom. Yes, that bottom line looks straight, but that’s because we’re looking at a very small segment of a 12-year-long parabola.

Below is my previous post verbatim - except for an updated zoom-in picture.

"Looney TA from a Looney Bear!"

Well, these parabolas and radial lines are certainly unconventional and unorthodox TA — but they continue to amaze me with unexpected alignments and intersections.

And my predicted double bottom at 30K happened at 31K instead. But hey, that shows we're in a strong Bull market, right?

This is update #7 to my original May 5 post. Notable tweaks:

1. I moved my Bull-Trap target range down $1,000 to 40K-41K.

2. I added a label showing the May 19 crash was 53.7% from the ATH .

3. I added a label showing where the largest short-term crash in history (82.6%) would take us.

Here's a 1-hr zoom into the critical part of my chart.

Note 1: If the near-vertical radial line "e" is saying what I think it's saying, we're near the edge of a very high and steep cliff. Be careful. Be more than careful!

Note 2: I'm still calling for a bottom around June 28, ±10 days. BUT: I still believe this is a market heavily manipulated by well-funded Bears and their API-connected PCs . They will try to make their manipulation look natural, but ...

Background: Parabolas are a specific type of mathematical curve. Parabolas are a "natural" function that appear in many systems and processes -- even (surprisingly) in many that appear to be random and chaotic.

Bitcoin’s May 19 fall to 30k was a 53% correction. With this in mind,
I again offer the community my (not fully vetted) Law of Maximal Retrace:

Bullbearish’s Law of Maximal Retrace:
If Bitcoin experiences a correction (a retrace) of 50% or more, it *must* touch the lower 12-year BLX parabola before reaching the next higher high. The Mt Gox fiasco of 2011 (an extrinsic/abnormal event) caused the only known exception to this law.

If you know of any other exception(s), please message me.

My BLX post on this:
BTC manipulation?    Surely not!


(I'm a Bull. But Bear happens!)

PS: Nothing I post should be construed as trading or financial advice.
BTCChart PatternsparabolasTrend Analysis
