Hello all and welcome to my little corner of the internet. It isn't big, nor is it fancy, but what about the chart art! Now I've warned of a correction for some time (quite a bearish outlook if you were to look back at my other publications... and give em a like) but it seems as though things are playing out as i stated. I hope that any who viewed my charts saw the drop coming a mile away as i did and took the correct precautions. Lets jump into the meat though. I'm still quietly confident BTC will drop to ~9.3k-9.7k (The wick low could be 9K) and i have arrived at this conclusion based on probability and the accuracy of my charting. Here's how it is - we're still in a bear market guys, it isn't hard to see that, but after this low we could very well be looking at a recovery and a TRANSITION. YES! a transition into the long awaited bull season. This is great news, now I'm not saying it wont go for another dip, in fact i expect it will - as is required to signal the return of a healthy bull market. Check out the green channel i have plotted on the chart: This is the healthy channel. This is the area we want to see BTC move in and when it makes a break above we simply say hallelujah and we sell (at the peak of course!). When it breaks below we double down and buy the dip, this is how money is made. There are lots of "analysists" out there that will feed you what you want to hear, because they want it too but the market cares not for your wants, dreams or aspirations. The market knows only what the whales want: either swim with them or get eaten. Now there's always the chance I'm way off, as i said the market doesn't care, but i make my calls based on probability and as such there's a good chance i have it pegged MOST times. Anyway, time for me to wrap this up so I'll leave you with this: REACT. always REACT. cover your butts because at the end of the day I'm not going to make you money, the other analysists aren't going to make you money - that's on you. So be careful in the worlds most volatile market. I wish you all the best fellow traders!
Bearish PatternsBESMARTBeyond Technical AnalysischangeChart PatternsicouldbewrongmakemoneymaybeimrightreacttraderlifestyleTrend Analysis
