Citigroup Short July Iron Condor w/ sideways channel

By LaurenTrading
Citibank has been trading within a horizontal range and sideways channel between 65.50 and 69 for the past fourteen trading days. Because of this, we are shorting the iron condor by writing the 69 calls and 65.5 puts for the initial strangle, and going half a dollar out on each side to acquire the protection (longing the 69.5 calls and 65 puts), thus turning the strangle into an iron condor. Being slightly below the money, it is somewhat bearish but created such that it aligns with the historical channel. By using the July 5th options, which are eight trading days away, we expect Citi to stay within the channel. This trade is done for a max profit of 30 and a max loss of 20 because the credit is .30/contract. This gives us break-evens of 65.2 and 69.3, and a better risk reward ratio (30/20) is received when the trade is done with calls instead of puts (29/21). This maximizes profit potential.
citibankcitigroupcreditironcondorneutralParallel ChannelriskrewardshortsidewaysTrend Analysis
