Are we building a ladder with the steps we just used?

Today was quite an interesting, and most likely historical day following the shenanigans of GME. For me, it was a day to sit back, contemplate, & construct questions into the future of the economy in Canada. Please bear with me as this is my first idea, and I am admittedly a new trader (One year so far).

Comparing 3 types of bond yields: 10Y, 2Y, and 3MO has been quite the staple for determining the direction of our economy. Our interest rates, the general market outlook, and also what the government is doing financially.

Like an electrical circuit, we can see that each time these 3 graphs begin to touch, the economy short circuits and is sent spiraling downwards.

I'd like to start where a lot of people start, and a lot of people groan as well when they hear this: the stock market crash of 2008. First, it would be ignorant to completely declare this fiasco as identical. However, there are many parts that are (and continue) to be similar. Some people say the stock market is just an irrational machine. Any sort of programmer would laugh at the idea of true randomness. I believe it is a system of gears that are controlled by millions of different entities and that it's our job to be able to understand which gear(s) are controlling each sector to formulate a decent idea, or fair percentage to make our predictions.

The first and most obvious similarity between these crashes is the level CORRA (Canadian Overnight Repo Rate Average). The Bank of Canada has taken control of the CORRA and it "[..] will be further adopted across a wide range of financial products and could potentially become the dominant Canadian interest rate benchmark, particularly in derivatives markets". There's an obvious pattern of the market reacting violently to the CORRA rate and as of right now, they are at the same level as the 2008 stock market crash.

The very first sign of a stock market short circuit can be noticed with the 10 and 2 year bond yield rate. From almost December 2005 these rates were starting to close in together, leading to complete cross-under of the 3 month yield and shortly after - the great 2008 stock market crash. For our recent crash we had it play out almost exactly the same: tightening between 10Y & 2Y, and then a cross-under of the 3 month. Shortly after, the crash occurred.

Now, what's different?

Well only that the 3 month yield appropriately spaced itself from the 2Y from the 2008 market crash. I'm sure we all know but the main cause of the 2008 crash was from too many people defaulting on loans that they shouldn't have been given in the first place. However, when this crash occurred our different yields are took their respective position to comfortably restart. In our new crash the 3 month and 2 year yields are still confused while the 10 year is entering a parabolic increase. The last time something occurred similar to this (noted by the squares) we entered a bear market that took a hit to the real estate industry first.

So, what's the problem?

I believe we all got a little too worried about the result of this pandemic, but were saved by the technology industry. Most people in high-end jobs were able to continue working without much difference, and people in low-end jobs pretty much had to continue working - but were labelled as heroes. Additionally, there has been a lot of new faces (including mine) in the stock market world, stimulate bonuses were (and still are, I believe) given to everyone and their 14 year old kids (seriously). A lot of people have taken up online hobbies, stores, and especially jobs that they can do remotely. We are humans, we learn to adapt in every situation, and that's why we're the kings of this world. Despite the lovely recovery, there's echoes and signs that are increasing in strength.

In boxing, a fighter can be the best and be unmatched - only to have it all taken away from one loss and never recover again

I find the market to be a swinging pendulum. It goes up, it goes down. There's an invisible line of gravity that we accept and it swings depending on the uncertainty and volume. When we defeat our fears we need to stay humble before we start to believe we're invincible.

The biggest industry of Canada (that controls 13% of the GDP) is.... real estate. I'm sure every Canadian here that's looking to buy a house in wincing in pain, and everyone that already has a house has the biggest grin. I was reading that Toronto went up around 15% in real estate in January. What the heck is going on??. My friend recently purchased a nice condo in Quebec which costed $430,000. Does my friend make the kind of money to justify a house that expensive? Heck no.

Can we just flip back to the 2008 market crash? We remember what caused it right? Ridiculous loans that were given out, and that were defaulted because they were ridiculous. Now, I'm not saying that this crash was similar, but I am trying to imply that we are on the verge of hitting that crash again. CERB has effectively given everyone who can fill out a form a bit over $10,000. Some people didn't even EARN $10,000 in a year but they still got it. It's still continuing under some new name so the amount is still increasing. Secondly, any new home buyers are eligible for a government loan that pretty much equates to 5 - 10% of the down deposit. So let's get this straight: Everyone and their child has received ATLEAST $10,000 (And won't have to give it back until they file this year's tax returns), first-time house buyers can get 5-10% loaned for the down deposit, and banks are giving mortgages with crazy low interest rates.

Anyone else see an issue?

A regular, decent house in my area would've been maybe $150,000 or $200,000 a year or two ago. Now, it's about $300,000 and steadily increasing. A minimum deposit is about 5% - the government is willing to do that and you already have 10k in the bank. A lot of people have lost, changed, or reduced their jobs to adapt to the new world. Our pay stubs from 2-3 years back IS NOT A HEALTHY INDICATOR. Our government is pushing the younger generation into buying houses that they honestly cannot afford. Almost everyone has been given all the tools to effectively place a down deposit on a house they probably cannot afford, and mortgage rates are so freaking low it seems like a no-brainer.

Houses are increasing way too fast in this economy as a result of government stimulation, and like any market with huge volatility: it will start to swing downwards at some point. The question is: will we be able to control it? Once taxes come in, the mortgages go back up, the stimulation ends, and the prices start to find their middle ground, will everyone be secure enough to handle it?

Final thoughts

Our economy is in a stage of mania with our insane house prices and market recovery. It's like being at the doctor but they give you methamphetamine instead of morphine.

- Will the come down be manageable or will it drive the economy into a huge fit?
- Are we teetering towards another financial crisis brought by ridiculous loans?
- Will we just continue this high until something else happens?
- What can we do to increase the odds for a clean and healthy recovery?

Thank you for reading. Near the middle point I let my mind wander. Please give me reasons that my logic is invalid as I am always trying to learn.


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