CJ, melt to daily support, 78.500.

By Hoddgittoo
Looking at the daily tf, we can see a 3 touch of the upper TL. Looking at the previous corrective nature that we had before the impulsive move between, 8-21 July, CJ seems to be acting the SAME EXACT WAY. Before the impulsive move, we had a very slow correction down, and another short correction up before breaking to the downside.

My inner structure is in perfect confluence with the higher tf structure. It may have already gained the momentum to continue to the downside ,as we can see from the impulsive nature on the 30 min tf, but, more significantly, the 4H shooting star and the corrective nature that we are already forming on the 15 min tf, before continuing our bearish momentum.

Entering at the break of the 15 min structure and accepting that fact that I mat be stopped out if a double top forms, which I will re-enter again.
Trend Analysis
