PancakeSwap is the place you trust when it comes to swapping your AltCoins.
If you take a look at this one, it's a no-brainer.
Things are looking up.
Although the Crypto Markets have been smashed lately, the Sun will shine on almost all projects.
And I intend to be ready. Got myself a portfolio and adding gently to it on most big dips.
HODLing requires patience, but time passes anyway, so might as well do something with it.
My next buying point is: $1.2 .
So, let's ramp things up with some awesome CAKE Trade Idea.
CAKEBUSD Technical Analysis:
* Elliott Wave Impulse: Cycle a (white)
* A-B-C Elliott Wave Correction: Primary A-B-C (red)
* Ending Diagonal in Primary C (red)
* Bullish Divergence
* 88.6% Fibonacci Retracement
* 61.8% Fibonacci Extension of Primary A &B (red)
* Demand Zone
* Double Bottom
Early '23 I'm expecting a start of a greater cycle.
Good luck HODLers!