Dumpster Diving into Speculative Weed Winners: Canopy Growth

By zwburger
Big level of interest for Canopy Growth CGC trying to fill the July 25, 2016 gap from 2.15 to 2.20—post-bull pennant.

Pot stocks have taken a beating since the 2021 highs (pun intended). They're clearly oversold BUT they're sitting without a catalyst from the Biden administration toward marijuana legalization efforts.

If you're into dumpster diving, Canopy Growth could be a good dumpster to choose. They have exposure in the United States and don't forget, Constellation Brands STZ has a large stake in the company. 🧐

For a trading strategy, look for momentum into the end of the week after the gap is filled. Otherwise, buckle up and settle in, as it is likely to continue breaking down out of the falling wedge into Tuesday, August 9, 2022 earnings.
Putting in a higher low. 💨
CGC has yet to break trend, despite market volatility.

Price parity with TLRY is only another catalyst for the bullish run in this name.
canopygrowthCGCChart PatternsTechnical IndicatorsmarjiuanaPOTpotstocksTrend Analysisweed
