Measured Move in Crude Oil

By ChartForTheWin
Notes on chart. Playing the potential measured move in crude. Target for measured move $71.09 (Green line near top). I have an additional target based on my expectation that we break out of the channel of around $73.60 (red line at top). This move is negated at any point that we break below the Orange upward Channel. We are playing the trade both ways. Buying at bottoms- shorting at tops. I trade based on charts but do follow the news- here are the important factors in my mind outside of the chart. 1) The Iranian Nuclear Deal- The negotiations appear to be going back and forth but if they are not able to come to a deal then it will help this measured move. 2) Oil data that comes out Tuesday afternoons (4:30) and Wednesdays (10:30) each week. 3) Rig count on Friday's at 1:00 4) The dollar index- Generally, as the dollar index falls oil rises. The dollar index bounced against resistance and is now turning downward and I anticipate it will continue to fall. 5)The Markets- China has been getting crushed lately and as it plummets so does oil- we need China's market to rebound here with force in order for this measured move to play out. U.S. stock market- The S&P has been flirting with the 200 day moving average this week, closing below it Thursday- Many people got burned when after the market closed a potential Greece deal was announced- market shot back above and remained strong all day today (7/10/15) closing well above the moving average and above an important resistance on the weekly. If the call is correct I would anticipate a huge gap up Monday in oil getting us near $55 per barrel. I imagine many are not holding over the weekend as the last two Monday's there were large gaps downward. Perfect time for gap up right? Good Luck!
Crude Oil Futures WTI (CL1!)Oil
