new oil idea

By alleytrader
the further out in time we go the smaller the spread between front and back, so thinking the front to out 6 months should narrow so going to take a position on that idea
if long at $3 this trade already returning 10% ROI
i took 9% roi on half and will keep holding the back half of the trade, not bad for a half day trade that took $1000, in buying power
as of now a bit less than 24 hours after trade we are up 17%, will keep holding my breakeven is -3.09
This idea played out again, and gave everyone how missed it the chance to get in. As of my last post I stated was holding trade, I went $10.00 negative, so back in profit looking to see if we can get a rip.
now I am going to be moving the front out a month and add in a theta component so will post new chart and idea
CLCrude Oil Futures WTI (CL1!)Oiloilwtispread
