Learn more about TradingView coins

By TradingView
Have you ever wanted to show your appreciation for an idea but felt that hitting the like button was just not enough?
TradingView coins are a great way to show other users that you appreciate them!

What are TradingView coins?
TradingView coins are the site's internal currency. 1 coin is equal to $0.01 USD

How can you get them?
  • Refer a friend: When you refer a friend to TradingView, you both will get TradingView coins after they upgrade to one of our paid plans.
  • Receive donations from other users: TradingView users can give coins for great content, to say thank you, if they're feeling generous, or for any other reason.
  • Buy Coins: You can buy coins in batches of 500, 1,000, or 5,000. This can be done by opening the user menu and choosing "Coins".
    (Your current coin balance, donation history and other coin info is also shown here)

    Great! Now that you have your TradingView Coin treasure, how can you use it?

Cheer someone: Cheer is a great way to show your support for users that you like.
The size of your coin sending is fixed on our site with the following values: 100, 200, 350, or 500 coins. These values are equivalent to $1, $2, $3.50, and $5 USD. This feature is available for all users.
  • Cheer an idea by using the "Comment with a cheer" button to send your message with some TradingView coins
  • Cheer a user from their profile by selecting "Cheer" in the upper corner of their profile page.

Purchase a paid plan: You can spend TradingView Coins on either our 1 month or 1 year paid plans. For example, 3000 coins is access up to 1 month of our PRO+ plan, one of our most popular options.
  • Note that if you already have an active plan, you can add a month or a year of the same type with coins. Upgrades for coins are not supported.

TradingView Coin Pro-Tip
TradingView moderators, managers and staff give coins for ideas chosen as Editor's Picks, great scripts, ideas and other exceptional content all the time.
They can be identified by the TradingView logo badge or "Mod" badge next to their name.

Learn more about TradingView coins in our Help Center.
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Get $15 worth of TradingView Coins for you and a friend: tradingview.com/share-your-love/

Read more about the new tools and features we're building for you: tradingview.com/blog/en/
