Opening (IRA): COIN Oct 18th 130/140/200/210 Iron Condor

By NaughtyPines
... for a 3.66 credit.

Comments: High IV at 73.4%. More small stuff while I twiddle my thumbs. Skewing this just a smidge long, with resulting delta at 2.35.


Buying Power Effect/Max Loss: 6.34
Max Profit: 3.66
ROC at Max: 57.72%
50% Max: 1.83
ROC at 50% Max: 28.86%

Will generally look to take profit at 50% max; roll in untested side on side test.

Trade active
Delta balancing: rolling the 130P/-200C down as a unit to the 120P/-190C for a 3.75 credit on BPE of 6.25.

Total credits collected of 7.41 with break evens now at 132.59/207.41.
Trade closed manually
Closed for a 6.18 debit today; .96 ($96) profit.
Beyond Technical Analysiscoinironcondoroptionsstrategiespremiumselling
