COVID-19 my possible personal expirience

Considering the fact that I didn’t get a COVID-19 test before or after this experience I can’t say it was definitely this particular virus, so this experience lies in the plane of experience of one person.
This is pure personal experience and do not recommended to anyone to follow it.
There were reports today in the media about the registration of the second Russian vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 called "EpiVacCorona", this time developed by the State Scientific Center of Virology and Biotechnology "Vector" in Novosibirsk.
"Sputnik V" Gamaleya Institute
As we remember, the world's first Russian vaccine raised many questions both before and after the publication of the results. Conclusions on efficacy were made in just a couple of dozen patients, and open design and repetitive data fragments on unrelated charts. The article was published in Lancet and although there are many questions it still has. In general, not everyone is yet sure of the safety of "Sputnik-V" for mass application, and the duration and effectiveness of the immune response after it is not proven. The vaccine "Sputnik-V" is developed by the Institute of "Gamaleia" and uses a vector carrier. This is the neutralized "skeleton" of the virus (in this case, the adenovirus), which is responsible for delivering the necessary fragments to the cell but is no longer able to infect it and reproduce the virus. This technology is quite new and has not yet been widely used, although it has been used, for example, in a newly developed vaccine against Ebola.
What has the Gamaleya Institute done? They took the Ebola vaccine, which they themselves had developed earlier and "sharpened" it to a new virus. That is why this vaccine was developed so quickly. The main problem is that even Russian virologists did not use the previously developed Ebola vaccine in Africa, but continued to treat it with drugs from other countries.
"EpiVacCorona" from Vector Center in Novosibirsk
The principle of the new vaccine is "this is a peptide vaccine, the active beginning of which are synthetic analogues of those areas of viral proteins through which the immune system recognizes the viral particle, the so-called epitope," - explain the developers. This message is embedded in the name "EpiVacCorona", but we do not know which epitope it makes a target of immunity. The general principle is as follows: the vaccine contains antigens - molecules that are "remembered" by the immunity and with specific areas (epitope) which will bind antibodies or receptors ("sensitive" proteins) of immune cells of lymphocytes. It is as if the "sketches" of a criminal gang of viral proteins are shown to the immune system, and it learns to recognize their most characteristic features. Fragments of viral proteins are synthesized artificially, and they (like the sketches in the police archive) are not very dangerous. But when it comes to confronting the real threat, the inner police of our body will be trained.
An important difference between "EpiVacCorona" and "Sputnik-V" is a vaccine close to "alive", which in theory provokes an immune response better than the "classic, put on modern rails" in the form of "EpiVacorona.

These vaccines may have a small effect because training police at school on sketches and video lessons is not the same as catching real criminals in dark alleys. But sometimes it is better to train "cadets" with safe examples than to bring them real virus "criminals," albeit weaker. The principle of multiple repetition of the material is often used, as in school, and vaccinations with pieces of viruses are done in several stages. For the EpiVacCorona vaccine, this is also true: it will be used in two stages with an interval of 21 days.

The main question is whether this two will work in more than 50 percent of cases, then they will be launched into production and commercial use
"Live" or Whole-Virion Vaccines
Chumakov Federal Research Center for Immunobiological Preparations Research and Development (former Poliomyelitis and Viral Encephalitis Institute)
Whole-Virion or "live" vaccines, on which some virologists and immunologists have the highest hopes. However, they pose a greater threat. It is logical that our internal "policemen" will know the "criminal" most effectively if they have already met him face to face, because bandits can disguise themselves and viruses can mutate. The danger is that the virus (criminal) is alive, albeit severely weakened, and no one knows how your internal policeman will deal with it. Maybe you have weak cops and will not be able to cope even with a weak bandit.
There are several points to note.
First, the situation for vaccines against different viral infections is very individual. For example, after a generally safe live vaccine, there may be complications due to attenuation disorders (weakening of the virus), as happened with Albert Seibin's live polio vaccine.
Thanks to large-scale research organized in the USSR, it was possible to find out that there is no danger if the technology is followed. Today, only one of 2.4 million doses of the live vaccine causes complications, and Seibin's vaccination is used along with inactivated Solk vaccine.
Secondly, although adenoviral platforms for mass production of vaccines are not widely used, in the era of COVID-19 the developers (far not only Russian) addressed them for a reason. Live adenoviral vaccines have been used since 1971, preventing acute adenoviral respiratory diseases in 95% of cases !!! (comparing to 50-60 percent of modern synthetic vaccines) and had practically no side effects. Later on, the adenoviral vectors became carriers of the right genes in gene therapy - safer than retroviral vectors, but relatively stable and well able to penetrate mammalian cells. These vectors are used to deliver the CRISPR/Cas9 genomic editing system, targeted therapy for cancer and hereditary diseases caused by single gene dysfunction. So now, when adenoviral vectors began to be actively studied as a platform for coronavirus vaccines, they already had a rich history and evidence base.
The main problem for Russians with "live" vaccine today is that this Chumakov Federal Research Center for Immunobiological Preparations Research and Development was nearly destroyed during last decades and had a lack of finances. Only today seems Russians understand and start recently the financing of this institute. Financing was restored, but there are no qualified personnel left for a long time. All major scientists of this institute died long ago. This is the main threat from my point of view for a quick Whole-Virion vaccine from Russia.
We have several facts to admit:
1. The virus was artificially created, under the patronage of American scientists, confirmed by several articles in the Lancet.
2. The virus was missed by the Chinese from the laboratory due to the negligence of the staff.
3. All hospitals were overcrowded with people with pneumonia as early as November-December 2019 worldwide, but no one shouted a guard.
4. The virus situation has been used by the U.S. specifically to destabilize the world economy and they will continue to do so. This is a just a test of a new phase of hybrid warfare.
Not legal and financial advice; any information provided here is only the personal opinion of the author.
I'd like to review China and U.S. vaccines, but it is taking a lot of time.
DRAFT landscape of COVID-19 candidate vaccines – 2 October 2020 you can find on the site of WHO.
China mostly concentrated on inactivated type while U.S. on vector...
Why vector type is safer and not inactivated type. It means that the vaccine contains a modified piece of human safe virus with a special program in genome. Inactivated vaccines contain the whole virus, specially cultivated and killed. These last are more likely to cause an ADE effect (antibody-dependent enhancement): the virus start to multiplies in the body.
Unlike inactivated vaccines, vector vaccines induce not only a reaction of antibodies, but also a cytotoxic reaction.
Secondly, the vector vaccine made of two vectors: first one and then the second. This way, the virus will not have time to multiply and cause harm.

Anyway there is a lot of vaccines under contraction and everyone wants to win the race under the name of Total World Vaccination. I will breath vodka meanwhile, imho.
Beyond Technical AnalysisCoronavirus (COVID-19)

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