1142416 Confirmed - Recovered (12%)
66189 Deaths = 5% (Current-result death rate)
17% Known result
83% Unkown result
Forcing statistics result on the number of unkown result simply may serve to find the real result of the illness, though result vary depending on multiple factors among where the death rate is allocated upon such as immunity, not to say age because 37% are within 18-44 yrs old according to data from the CDC.
Based on numbers that are changing after my calculation, I will present what I had calculated. Assuming there was no further spread, to find the result for these numbers:
Confirmed: 1130494 Recovered: 141706 Deaths: 65605
5.8% Death
12.5% Recovered
81.7% Unknown = 923613
Of the unknown, recalculated: with the % found:
53569 Deaths, then,
754591 Unknown, (following this "% of" pattern)
43766 Deaths
+35757 Deaths
+29213 Deaths
+23867 Deaths
+19499 Deaths
+15931 Deaths
+13015 "
+10633 "
Last few based on discovered % death rate:
= 31% Death rate
Giving the % death rate as low in the news outlets allowed the perception of a minor disease = less care.