Casper Sleep: Will Be Another Massively Failed IPO

By PaulDeep19131
It seems that companies love going public when their balance sheet is absolutely abyssal. Nearly every company that gets exposure - PTON, FVRR, CHWY - and an additional list longer than a Lord of the Rings novel seeks money in desperation for a poorly run business where profit is no where to be found.

Casper is in one of the most extremely competitive sectors (mattress-in-a box) where their market share will likely fall as time progresses. There are at-least 15-20 mattress-in-a-box companies in the US and another 5+ in Canada, and Capser offers nothing patentable or unique other than a recognizable brand. For this reason, their cost of acquisition will remain exorbitantly high in order to capitivate the customer from going elsewhere. Hence, their marketing costs will remain extremely high.

Furthermore, this company lost 73 million in 2017, and 92 million in 2018 off revenues of 250 and 358M in 2017 and 2018 respectively. While their revenues are seemingly increasing, like I said above, their marketing costs will only continue to rise and their profits will be hindered significantly.

Don't buy into the IPO hype. Invest in quality stocks in this overextend equity market bubble.

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