
DE30 Buy a break setup.

By Signal_Centre1
GER30 - Intraday - We look to Buy a break of 15706 (stop at 15657)

Price action has posted a Doji candle and signals a possible reversal of the recent trend.
Expect trading to remain mixed and volatile.
Daily signals are bullish.
Pivot resistance is at 15692.
The previous swing high is located at 15691.

Our profit targets will be 15848 and 15868

Resistance: 15700 / 15750 / 15800
Support: 15650 / 15600 / 15550
Order cancelled
Trade has expired in 24h
DAX Indexdax30de30de30buyGERMANY 30ForexforexsignalsGER30 CFDsignalSupport and Resistance

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