
DEATHS_USD. P-Modeling Pt 2. Black Death of Cajuns Wave Two

By Glitch420
What a fucked up time we are about to enter..

Welcome to the Paradigm Shift. I wish you the best of luck in these upcoming months.. not in just trading but in your physical, and mental health.

I hope I am wrong. Please Read this chart very carefully.

I have way to many things I can not ignore.
I will spare you the lecture.

You may not understand. But..
Do not underestimate the power of this second wave.
It will be one of the biggest global crisis of the our time.

I really hope I look like a fool on this chart. Please for the love of nature. I hope I am wrong.

because if I am even remotely right..

The second half of 2020 will make the first half of 2020 seem like a cool summer breeze on a crisp fall day.

The storm has arrived. Which way will the wind blow...
If you are a doubter of covid-19, you won't be soon.

Store Shelves will be empty again soon.
Emergency rooms will be bursting at the seams.
Backup hospitals will be bursting at the seams.
12% increase of deaths per week at onset of parabolic death rate.
Mandatory Lockdowns for another 3 months.
Civil Outcries.
Civil Unrest.
Market Capitulations.
Economic Collapse.
and most importantly...
Chaotic Change.. Change that will shape the next 10 years.

Wave Two of Covid-19 will be in the history books someday. We are beginning the transition into the 4th industrial revolution. The Cybernetic One.

So what path do we take folks..
The best case scenario or worst case scenario..
What side of history will you be remembered by?

Thanks for Pondering the Unknown with Me,

slide the bottom axis to stretch the log chart so you can read it correctly.
Original Snapshot.
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Please see idea one.

The ones who were laughing...


Clearly no idea.

This is the snapshot of the continution of that wave 1.

The wavefunction and linear network collided and i had them outlined as area of interests. See green boxes. These were not random but predicted. Now we come upon the last wavefunction collapse. This starts wave two of covid-19.

Then we find the next stop and superimpose the same parametric chain we used in model 1.

That chain is:

We have 4 levels of chaos.

The First Level is where we are currently sitting at the last linear junction before we engage in the 4 levels of pandemic chaos..
The next level is pushing the limits of acceptable available resources.Which arguably we are already at...
The second level pushes significant depleted resources to to combat the spread. Mortality rate across age classes increases.
The third level pushes EXTREMELY depleted resources to combat spread and care for already infected. Overflow hospitals, lack of respirators etc. Morality rate reaches critical level across high-risk categories.

The fourth level is black death. Completely depleted resources and unparalleled high mortality rate across all age classes.

See Idea One.
Covid-19. P-Modeling Pt. X. The Curve of the Pandemic of 2020.
this is the most recent snapshot of IDEA ONE. snapshot

Notice how the boxes in white and green were selected way ahead of time.

Each noted a extension of 'event' and quarentine.

Depth is noted by a wave and linear function and their collapse.

Look and you will see..the rabbit hole goes deep.
Please see Part #1.

I am about to superimpose the Four Levels of Chaos to PART Two.

Covid-19. P-Modeling Pt. X. The Curve of the Pandemic of 2020.

This defined WAVE ONE into a flattened curve.
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We went critical...


All i am waiting for is the 12% pop from Entropy Net 0.

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Wave Two is here with a vengence..
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July 9th?..
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Florida is about to shut down..

Texas is about to shut down...

South California hospitals are now at ICU capacity and is actively sending patients Nor Cal.

Mississippi is almost at capacity, as well as georgia.

Deaths will signficantly INCREASE as hospitals run out of room and life saving supplies..

This is Level One of the Four Level System...
Heading rapidly towards Level Two.


Notice i am simply shift over the fractal. I have not moved anything else. and also noteworthy is the fact i called net 0 across the axis, and now are in (+ axis ) territory in vector space.

That means we have crossed kinetic threshold where the net charge of the data can NOT stop the pressure of amplitude over Slope. It will actualize in two forms.. In my opinion.

The best case scenario is HALF of the geometric RISE on Deaths between March and July 1st. If you ghost bar the March-July data and superimpose it. It presents two scenarios.

A 1:1 ratio fractal mirror of the geometry actualized from Wave One would be the Worst Case Scenario.

The suppression of the curve IMO at best would only be 50% with max enforcement and lockdown...

AT best.. its a 0.5 to 1 ratio. AT worst.. its a 1:1 ratio..

This gives proposition A and B.

If we surpassed a 1:1 ratio that would be apocalyptic.

Keeping to a normal curve though we infer only a 50% suppression of the incoming wave of deaths at best, leading to the appropriated estimation of 1.5 to 5 million dead by Election Time..In America..Alone..

If we fail to slow the curve.. well a 1:1 ratio mirror is self-explanatory, that is the worst case scenario.

5- 15 million dead, on the worst case. And that is being generous.

Please see continuation of Wave One Data but on a Global Infected TF.

They are very intimately intertwined.

Covid-19. P-Modeling Pt. X. The Curve of the Pandemic of 2020.
Latest Snapshot from Wave One Continuation

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kinetic energy release incoming.
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i made it cleaner.

oof i forgot to update.

Beyond Technical AnalysiscajunmasterCoronavirus (COVID-19)DEATHSDEATHS_USTechnical Indicatorskingofn00bslogperspectiveTrend Analysis
