"As I conduct my open study allow me to bring a quickly forgotten fact to the surface: financial data is the most difficult publicly-held-DATA to analyze making it the hardest thing in the world to predict. --It's OK if you get it wrong, 95% of the rest of the world can't predict it either."
Disclaimer: thank you for taking your time to look at my idea please understand that I didn't publish it to influence your decision to invest your money and void myself of any responsibility towards your investments.
Ticker: I don't specialize in the companies sector, I was inspired to publish my idea independently.
Tip: Check another tradingview publication if your looking for something you can't find here.
Thank You, +AndrewAponas+
P.S. I apologize for any inconvenience my publication could have caused you and humbly ask that you contact me with your concerns before reporting my work to a moderator.