The end of an ERA

Imagine you tell people anyone can become a billionaire, imagine you tell people to mindlessly "just buy the index" "It keeps going up!".
Imagine you have guys like Tony Robbins ("motivator", exactly what people love) and Warren Buffet telling people to start buying the index in their 20's and keep buying their whole life.
"You can do it" "Believe in yourself". What happens? Prices get pushed, almost artifically.
Like it or not, but the USA are not even bankrupt, oooh no they wish they were bankrupt, they are way past that stage.
Yet their stock market is valued so high (due to central bank & FED manipulation - not making conspiracy calls, it is their job to manipulate the economy, literally).
It is all going to go VERY wrong, VERY fast.

I could make a speech, prove it, shows tons of examples. But does not matter, isn't it obvious?

Anyway, there is no rush, we will get warned with no doubt and plenty of time to react.
Just wait for the RSI divergence on the monthly chart, I can guarentee if we go up there is going to be divergence.
Once we break that high we can go up to 30.000 or 35.000 easy so no need to FOMO short ASAP.
Personally I will not trade it because it just takes too long. But if I invested I would be dumping muh bags a little before 30.000 points.
Going to try to time the market and say we go down late 2018 or 2019.

Got this also:

My target would be 10.000 to 15.000 points. A drop of over 50%.
Rest in peace "you can do it" believers.

Finance is not about motivation and confidence.

Mathematical discoveries were not made because of "motivation". Spaceship were not created by "motivation".
If people have an issue with motivation maybe they have a problem and need to stop eating fried butter or something.

Motivation is not a magical thing that solves everything, it is like breathing, you are supposed to have it in the first place.

PS: I will not go short, but when we hit 10 or 15k and people are making calls for the rapture I will buy a small piece of america, prepare that road to Warren Buffet retirement. My favorite holding period is forever. Lmao. It just means he never goes short. Why would I not sell some shares when I know they are going down & buy lower, even if I am very conservative and buy way before the bottom?
A couple of iron hand strong will political leaders:

Took Hitler 10 years to destroy his country.
Took Ergodan about 5 years to ruin his country.
Trump might only have 4 years, but he is hard at work to accomplish his task, waging war against his allies and insulting them, comploting with the enemy, just taking horrible decisions on a dialy basis.

Iron hand strong will head of states / head of government are going faster and faster!

How long will it take from strong will iron hand "I will not back down I will get a better deal" Trump to ravage the USA economy?

My bet is before 2020 his task will be done, he will have single handedly ruined the USA, and of course he will blame someone else :)

Wait and see.
I have dyxlesia? Kappa.
commonsenseDJIOscillatorsStocksSupport and Resistancethecrashusstock

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