Worry not citizen, keep buying

By MrRenev
So what it looks the same?
So what the herd behaves the same?
So what P/E ratios are the same?
So what political climate is the same?
So what the list goes on and on the same?
So what gold price is again at a historical low just the same?
So what professionals knew and took advantage anyway and now its just the same?
So what interest rates are just the same?
So what the 1916-1921 bear market and 2000-2008 look just the same?
So what people are over borrowing and over buying just the same?
So what the average experience of buyers is the same?
So what the number of grandmas & shoe shine boys giving investment advice is the same?
So what people consideration for basic economic rules is the same?
So what if the number of "stock trader millionaires" is the same?
So what if casuals awareness of risk is the same?
So what if the tech cycle is the same?
So what if S&P and Bonds yields are the same? Oh wait no worse.

I know there are more but I can't remember...

I wonder what Copper prices were back then...
I know Oil was around $25 inflation ajusted but...

A difference though, back then 10% of households had invested, now it is over 50% (and 10% in Bitcoin).
Going to end well... With fireworks and everything.
The communists are calling their president racist again.
And this is making the headlines.

I found out interesting things: the USA borders are littered with not just sex traffickers and all that filth, even better. ISIS. Nice. Ye let's let ISIS in the USA otherwise you are racist, excellent idea. Is it that hard to gun them down and record it? I really enjoy videos of ISIS fighters dying I won't lie ^o^.

Ah also, well things have escalated. The USA, afaik, just had their first terrorist attack on their own ground, that was not from foreigners (2001 was the first big terrorist attack on their own ground which shocked them).
Who is responsible of course? An antifa idiot that wanted to mass murder border guards.

Of course the media, that are on the side of the terrorists have not covered the HUGE story, they are still telling people that Trump is a racist.

Honestly what might save the US is an iron grip dictatorship. Literally bring back guillotines, and cut the heads of the commies. Harsh, but the alternative is worse.

Maybe they'll use up all their nukes to destroy their own country and the entire new world, and the old world will be just fine?

The planet has never seen a bubble this big. A global bubble. Every thing is in a bubble, even the world population. The current mass extinction is the most brutal the world has ever seen by far. The dino extinction was nothing compared. 50% of all species did not vanish in a mere 50 years, not even close.
Arable land, water, is this even going to be enough?
Men T levels are crushed, they dropped 1% a year for now over a century.
The human population is in a complete bubble and nothing will stop the growth other than starvation and killing each other (same as a rat population).

Armeggedon is coming at that point. Everything is going to be destroyed.
Biblical style.

But much more importantly, all this death and destruction will be very profitable.
I might spend my whole life as a bear, niiice.

Oh what? What about all the people that are going to die and lose everything?
Oh yeah right that is awful I really care alot, yawn.
Quoting someone from Twitter:

"Millennials are LIKELY to

1) be first generation to earn less than their parents
2) have fewer children than their parents
3) have more debt than their parents
4) retire later than their parents

All of this is because of ZIRP, NIRP, and QE. Boomers protecting Boomers."

I will add:

"5) Have to deal with the environmental consequences of previous generations"
"While getting patronising by boomers"

Enjoying the few years they have left and letting the next generation worry about their mess. If there is a hell...
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