What Technological Progress?? ...

"Across all fields of science and technology, we find that the rate of disruptive scientific work is declining."

The full paper;

Here is a novel idea; Stop drinking the Coolaid!
p.s. As for Artificial Intelligence;
"The parts that experts understand, they would never use, and they don't understand the parts they do use."
(at it since 1992, so ... yeah.)
Evidence for the true nature of above (A.I.) statement, is as follows;

"For all their triumphs, AI systems can’t seem to generalize the concepts of 'same' and 'different.' Without that, researchers worry, the quest to create truly intelligent machines may be hopeless."
(Not that this realization had just emerged yesterday!)
E.g. "A.I." is nothing more, as it stands, than a practical upgrade to automation.

Let's reason logically for a moment - without any (unnecessary) math.

"Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things."- Henri Poincare

OK, so if Poincare is right then why should Mathematics, as a whole, be expected to be symmetric (commutative)?? ... Clearly, it is not!

How can you tell? ...

Imagine, that a species comes off the tree (3+ million or so years ago) and then decides, it wants to go to the Alpha-Centauri. Why?? ... Let's say because it (thinks) has ran out of trees and mountains to climb and thus, it wants to expand it's horizon. OK ...
Now, having reached the top of the tallest place it knows (tree, mountain top, whatever), now it is looking up at the sky, to continue it's journey to Alpha-Centauri. But ...
Is the same technology that allowed them to climb to the highest peak also the foundation for getting air-born - as the next, inherently necessary step?? ... No!
How about, from learning to fly (in an atmosphere) to flying to the Moon?? ... No!
How about, going from the Moon to Alpha-Centauri?? ... But ...

... you say; "We have managed just fine, so far, getting from the tree-top to the Moon! - Why should the rest of the journey be any different?!"
I shall be happy to answer that question - being one of the easiest, ever;

It is because, even if I possessed the required recipe (method; solution) for your next step ... But I can only relate it to you, using sticks and stones (Mathematics, as it stands) - i.e. the only language I know ... Now what?! ...

... and that is the fundamental meaning of the above "A.I. epiphany" - that is as old as Time itself.
p.s. "Creativity, by definition, defies expectation.",
as well as,
"The Impossibility of Automating Ambiguity"
... or the total TESLA (A.I.) nonsense;
"The nice thing about Tesla self-driving AI is that it's a great opportunity to bring back this brand of physical comedy."
... as just one of countless examples.
Should anyone be interested in how the above (Title) Chart leads to collapses in the markets, and in entire societies, here is an excellent analysis;
collapsedeclineFundamental Analysisfundamental-analysisnegativedivergenceprogresssciencestechnologicaltechnology

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