Dow Jones Industrial Average is the oldest index in the world.
The index always shows what is happening with the US economy - the largest economy in the world.

Let's look at the chronology of important economic events since 1916:

1916 Lusitania - Sunk by German Submarine / Emergency Revenue Act - Includes Estate Tax
1917 US Formally Declares War on Germany
1918 World War I - End / Daylight Savines Tima / Amendment, Prohibition - Ratified
1919 Amendment, Women's Suffrage - Ratified
1921 The First Restrictive Immigration Act
1922 Federal Narcotics Control Board - War on Drugs
1923 First Transcontinental Fight Japan Earthquake
1924 Ford Manufactures 10 Milfionth Automobile - Scopes Monkey Trial
1926 Revenue Act - Reduces Income & Estate Taxes
1927 Lindbergh - First Nonstop Flight - New York to Pacis
1928 Amelia Earhart - First Woman to Fly Atlantic
1929 Financial Panic - Stock Market Crash - Depression
1930 Smoot Hawley Tariff Act
1931 Bank Panic - Countrywide Banks Closings
1932 Lindbergh Kidnapping / Reconstruction Finance Corp
1933 The New Deal - FDIC Established
1934 Securities & Exchange Commission - Established
1935 Social Security Act - Passed
1936 Drought in the Western States - Dust Bowl
1937 Hindenburg - Destroyed
1938 The New Deal - End / Fair Labor Standards Act
1939 World War Il - Begins in Europe / Great Depression
1940 France Falls - German Occupation
1941 Peart Harbor - Attacked by Japanese
1942 Price Controls - Begin / Battle of Midway / Guadalcanal
1943 Current Tax Payment Act, Withholding Taxes
1944 Normandy Invasion
1945 World War II - End / Cold War - Begins
1946 Stock Market Crash / Price Controls - End
1947 Taft-Hartley Act / Marshall Plan
1948 Truman Upsets Dewey - For Presidency
1949 Foreign Currencies Devalued
1950 The Korean War - Begin
1951 First Commercial Color TV Broadcast
1952 Steel Workers Strike - Despite Government intervention
1953 The Korean War - the End of Wage Stabilization Board
1954 St. Lawrence Seaway Bill - Passed
1955 President Eisenhower - Suffers a Heart Attack
1956 Suez Canal - Crisis
1957 Sputnik |
1958 USA - First Satellite Launched
1959 St Lawrence Seaway - Opened
1960 First Japanese Cars, Exported to US / U2 Spy Plane Shot Down
1961 The Berlin Wall - Built / Bay of Pigs - Debacle
1962 The Cuban Missile Crisis / Sled Price Rollback
1963 John F. Kennedy Assassinated
1964 Vietnam War Begins - Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
1965 The Great Inflation - Begin
1966 Medicare - Begin / the First Time USA Bombs North Vietnam
1967 The Six-Day War
1968 The Offensive / R.F. Kennedy & M.L King - Assassinated
1969 Apollo 11 - the USA on the Moon
1970 USA & South Vietnamese Invade Cambodia | Kent State
1971 Wage & Price Controls
1972 Watergate - Break-in / Munich Olympics Massacre
1973 US Involvement in Vietnam - End / Arab Oil Embargo
1974 President Nixon Resigns / ERISA Act - Signed
1975 Saigon - Fall / May Day - the End of Fixed Commissions
1976 US Bicentennial / Lockheed Aircraft - Bribery Scandal
1977 Panama Canal Treaty - Control of Panama in 2000
1978 Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment Act
1979 Three Mile Island - Accident / Iran Hostage Crisis
1980 Iraq Invades Iran - War / Hunt Brothers Siver Crisis
1981 Tax Cut - Passed / Space Shuttle / President Reagan - Shot
1982 Penn Square Bank - Closed by Regulators / Falkland Islands War
1983 Terrorist Bombing of US Barracks - Beirut / Grenada Invasion
1984 Run on Continental Bank
1985 Gramm-Rudman Act / US Becomes a Debtor Nation
1986 Iran-Contra Affair / US Attacks Libya / Chernobyl Accident
1987 Financial Panic / Stock market Crash of Iraq Attacks on USS STARK
1988 Terrorists Bomb N.Y. Bound Airliner - Lockerbie, Scotland
1989 The Berlin Wall - Opens / US Invades Panama
1990 Iraq invades Kuwait / Gorman Unification
1991 The Gulf War / Soviet Union Collapse
1992 The Cold War - Ended / Civil War in Bosnia
1993 Russian Revok / World Trade Center - Bombed
1994 Orange County Bankruptcy of NAFTA instituted
1995 Oklahoma City - Murrah Federal Building - Bombed
1996 Alan Greenspan's “Irrational Exuberance” Speech
1997 Asian Currency Crisis - Hong Kong & Global Stock Market Rout
1998 US embassies in East Africa bombed
1999 NATO Bombs Serbia, Yugoslavia / Y2K - Millennium Scare / Columbine massacre
2000 Bush v. Gore Election Crisis / Terrorist Attack on USS COLE
2001 Terrorist Attack on the World Trade Center & Pentagon / Enron
2002 War on Terror of Turmoil in the Middle East / Corporate Misconduct
2003 Iraq - Weapons Inspections / War in Iraq
2004 Global War on Terror
2005 Record High Oil Prices / Hurricane Katrina
2006 Housing Decline / Nuclear Weapons - North Kores & Iran
2007 Subprime Mortgage / Credit Debacle
2008 Credit Crisis / Financial Institution Failures / Bitcoin - Created
2009 War on Terror / Climate Debate / Healthcare
2010 Gulf Oli Spit / European Union Cassis / Massive Debt
2011 Debt Ceiling Crisis / US Credit Downgrade
2012 European Debt / US Fiscal Cliff
2013 Boston Bombing / Government Shutdown / NSA Leaks
2014 Rise of ISIS / Police Protests / Oil Price Decline
2015 Terror Attacks / Refuges Crisis / China Slowdown / Fed Rate Hike
2016 Brexit - Start / Cuban Embassy Opened / Elections
2017 Trumponomics, Cryptocurrency Fever
2018 United States trade war with China
2019 Chang'e-4 on the far side of the moon / Fire of Notre Dame Cathedral / The first case of 2019-nCoV coronavirus infection in China
2020 US-Iran Tension / The COVID-19 Pandemic / Joe Biden Wins the Presidency / "Black Monday" for oil / Brexit - End / SpaceX space launch
2021 The GameStop short squeeze / Ever Given halts global supply chain / COVID-19 vaccines / America withdraws from Afghanistan
2022 Ukraine Russia War in the Center of Europe - Sanctions for Russia

What awaits us next...

Potential events that may overtake us in the near future:
- The use of tactical nuclear weapons.
- Cyber Warfare.
- Hunger.
- The largest economic crisis (food crisis, trade supply crisis, energy crisis).
- New viruses, pandemics.
- Potential formation and formation of Kurdistan and conflicts around it.
- Massive Blackout.
- Conflicts of countries in Oceania.

Write in the comment section what you would add to the list above.

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