2022_07_14 Mr. $DJI

By CharterX
Hello everyone,

This a Basic Personal Setup for DJI at this precise point in time. I believe we have reached maximum peak or at least we are standing on a major one.

I would accumulate shorts on different ranges from now on ( personal opinion, not financial advice! You are on your own out there )

All metrics and calculations have been created based on basic mathematical theorems, some with more advanced mathematical functions, the useful Prime Numbers, Theory of Cycles and supported as well with traditional TA techniques.

I have been trying to improve my TA for the last couple of years. I've been looking for my own path and techniques and trying to use standard or common techniques to support my owns not the other way around.

You see, I believe that when people use same techniques for a long period of times, things get more predictable and even be easy target of more manipulations. Is kind a complex subject to explain so wont get into that.

But i think is part of a Trader's job ( or any market participant as well ) to see out of the box constantly, specially if that person wants to survive any condition of any market. On one side, and in the other, the markets are in constant change, so we need to be able to end with gains even if the market turns against our entries. For that, there are some complex techniques but another extend and complex subject.

This type of techniques i'm using are based from a mathematical point of view, at least in this graphic. For indicators i use more standard analysis ( at least standard for me ).

For some years, i have been noticing the presence of patterns through time. As mentioned before, i even started to had this feeling or sensation that the movement of the prices in markets corresponded to just a big one mathematical equation or function running one over again expanding through time. Yes, i do know how it sounds, but for average people ( no offense ). I also know how the face of a person with a very high IQ would be and what would that person ask.

I have been seeing lot of movements according to prime numbers. That's why i saw a lot the number 83 on measures from peak to peak on "high" timeframes but i did not even realized until some days ago working on Reimann Hypothesis that it came to me the idea that maybe i'm just seeing prime numbers expanding ( or distributed through time ), in a sort of way. Yes, i confess lol i'm going for the 1 million dollar prize, why not? i'm bored with a lot of free time and want a personal challenge lol. But since i know i do need more knowledge to prove it, i guess i wont be able to explain it until quite some time. Another whole story :P

Anyway, i noticed that that in a specific timeframe, there were 83 periods from a peak to peak in price on a specific instrument. But when changing to major timeframes, that 83 bacame less periods (obvious), but the result was another prime number, and in other major timeframe it bacame another prime number.

Just wanted to share that to explain why i'm using Prime numbers as well.

That's why you will probably see this measures in time: 3,7,11,23,31,37,41,61,73,83 periods. This are what i have seen in most cases. Some time are near this numbers, probably for a human factor (or external) it changes a bit.. like 38 ( near 37 ).

In this case, we are talking about a market with more than 100 years. So in this case we are on major prime numbers. That's why i'm using for now this measure.

We have Pythagoreans Triangulations, and Euclides Theorem setup.

Since this only for big timeframes, ill comeback once every 6/12 months or when a major moves appears, to any side.

Now from a macro economic point of view, jajaja i think we all know how f. up things are getting and what to expect. Not trying to scare or fud or anything. I'm being objective here.

Ill post some indicators above as soon as i have some time.



// Personal ideas and knowledge i have gathered after thousands of hours of study. I share this for free but should not be considered as Financial Advice. Use at your own Risk //
So, as usual, i like to start with major time available 12 Months, and getting into minor timeframes.

On a simple chart we have this:


We are on the top of channel, a test to the 15K / 15.5K would make sense due world economic conditions

I know it could make a blow off top as well, but for now, the actual 12 months candle is cancelling the previous one. Again, for now, still needs to finish the year.
I know there are elections so jaja i would expect lot of manipulation . Lets be freaking clear on that cause we know now how things really works. But ok, accepted. The problem will have it the next ones lol. That's for sure. Would not want to be on their shoes.

Think as DJI as the Big, Ultimate Machines that we see on the movies. A Big ship to describe it. It would turn slowly at beginning, some range, until it gets some speed.

Something that got my attention is that type of Bearish Butterfly on Volume:


That's a typical Bearish Butterfly used as inflationary measure (when is green)
But it seems to be getting to a completed point
Now, if we see Price RSI "Relationship"


We clearly see a Divergence with price. I mean, since we are seeing it in big time frames, i know the tricks that can be done to throw the RSI and support the price, we all have seen it, but also know this is like a warning for a possible change of trend at some point in near future.
Same over here:


Now, the question is, where does it stops on this indicator and how related with price is it going to be on the 30's. ( 31 lets say to use a prime number / call me crazy )

Anyway, indicator is advising of a possible hard down, seen it before, happened before


And i would not discard this one cause we all know the suits like to inflate things up. I think they have some issues down there and they do this to feel better jaja but have no idea how damaging is to keep inflating things up to .

So just in case, ill leave that window open:


MACD is showing that we are on peak of that triangulation. It has not even curved yet, so we have not seen a huge move that happens when lets say, the blue line you see, turns around and goes looking to the yellow one. In simple words.

When that happens, there's is a huuuuuuge move in price.

The little arrows just to show that in the actual period, is less than previous, just like in the past. When that happens, well, the next ones start to decrease , until we enter full in red area.
Beyond Technical AnalysisDJIdowjoneseuclidsTechnical IndicatorsnumbersprimepythagoreanTechnical AnalysistheoremTrend Analysistriagnle
