What Happens After Today Will Be A Sign Of What's To Come

By th3gr3k0sLaV
Other than being a guy drinking lots of morning magic coffee that makes me sharp and want to draw random lines on my phone when....ok I'm going to start rambling.

Point is that I think we've seen the DJI try and stage a strong bull rally, fueled by stimulus and hopium.

But it seems that the true reality of the post lockdown Corona world still hasn't set in and I Don't think people truly realize how much the world will change and the earthquake that will ripple through the entire business world that will cataclysmically shake up businesses and business models.

The new reality is SLOWLY starting to become real and it looks like the rally has slowed, we've been seeing a yo-yo see-sawing over the last few weeks up and down but it seems we are coming to a precipice.

My personal belief is that if we see a solid drop today, we'll continue to see the DJI trending down for the next few months.

I'm not an economist but the writing is on the world, the world is changing and no one is quite ready for it.

Me personally I don't give two f**cks about my credit score, I run cash only but im very lucky to be in a unique position and this works for me, I don't recommend my approach or suggest people follow my own views and thinking.

But my own personal view right (and likely highly controversial) BUT now is the time to hoard as much cash as you can afford to save in any way you can, cash is king!
Find any legitimate way to avoid payments, minimize loan mains, delay, have cancelled etc doesn't matter, simply find every and any avoid to minimize your outgoings, save your cash up wait out the coming storm.

The US is in the phase of the dying days of the Western Roman Empire, I think I've lived many past lives and know I've seen this all before, this is ancient Rome all over again, the fall wasn't sudden and swift it was death by 1000s of cuts, the Coronavirus in the US is not over.

The historians in a hundred years will refer to it globally as the New York flu, by this point NYC is part of UNESA - United North Eastern States of America.

Now this could be some good fiction for a novel or maybe it's what the future holds. who really knows ? I'm just a guy on Tradingview.

But want me to tell more of my story ?

Today's 900+ point Dow Surge is disturbing, it's nothing more than a sign of the level of desperation in the market clinging onto whatever faintest bit of hopium flashes on the news.

So far a vaccine candidate with limited results is a long way from a nation wide vaccine on a novel virus that is still presenting researchers with new surprises and mysteries.

The reality is there is no going back to the way things were pre March, anyone here is deluding themselves.

This hasn't even begun yet!
Trade active
I admit I got it wrong, but the timing not what I think is coming.

She bounced May 14 and continued a limp climb breaking the support line around June 11.

Given the worsening Corona situation in the US, I think reality is getting ready to hit.

I said that hasn't even begun yet and yesterday the US hit it's highest number of daily case.

I'll say this is beginning, between now and January whenever whichever person is President elect is going to be one hell of a time for historians of the future.
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