Some of the most notable GDP contractions of recent history

By MrRenev
Russia & Ukraine bit the bullet in 2008 and has some decline, and another decline in the mid 2010s (maybe made worse because of droughts?).
They recovered by now (the US collapse might pull them down or maybe free them to go up).
Even Germany GDP between 2014 and 2015 dropped by 15% (never heard of a great depression) , their GDP now is back to 2014 levels, it took 3-4 years to get back to pre-(undercover) recession levels.
France same thing, Turkey, Iran, the UK, Canada...

There is 1 exception: the US. Hey George Soros was right shorting it back then but he forgot about brrrrr.
China is also an exception but their growth was so big it could absorb the hit, it went from 10% growth to 6%.
The US GDP did not drop and growth not even slowdown.

The life expectancy in Russia was skyrocketting until 1965, this is when it started to stagnate even decline a bit (it dropped in the US btw they're behind several African countries now).

It's ridiculous it went from 24 yo in 1945 (even before the war it was at around 30) to nearly 70 by 1965. No wonder communism lasted so long.
Ironically much of the gains were from babies surviving birth but soviets started furiously aborting, so the real life expectancy actually went down...
From the fall of the USSR to ~2000 depending on the source the life expectancy dropped by ~5 years.

The US life expectancy did not drop since WW1, until 2020. Covid, or foreign dependency? The medications other countries used were not easilly available in the US.
What if all their hate for the many treatments 2/3 the entire world outside of the west have been using was just a silly way to avoid saying "yes they work, but we don't have any of these cheap drugs"?

The silly restriction rules in Europe, and part of the reason why the death rate was so high, is (officially and when you look at the numbers) a lack of beds.
They did not have enough stuff to provide treatment to the sick. I think it's possible the US were in the same situation they dug themselves in over the years.
A country collapsing does not mean "stock indice go down", it breaks down in many other ways, and "stonks" can keep going up like the pyramid scheme they are.

A grim conclusion

There was only 1 superpower left in 1992. Soon there will be 0 left. The standard of living of the west will drop but the US will drop most because they are on life support from the rest of the world (China, Mexico, Germany, and many others de facto send humanitarian aid to the US to keep them fat and rich).

The higher you push life expectancy the exponentially harder it is right? And it drops more.
Life expectancy in the US is going to drop by 5-10 years. It dropped by 5 years in Russia and it was not as high and Russia was not as broke as the US.
A large part of the "problem" is the aging population (that refuses to postpone the age of retirement and ask for even more social welfare).
Nature always finds a way...

There is euphoria now it seems. Everyone cheers when they get their stimulus checks. They won't be cheering when they die of old age at 70 years old.

My call: Less than 10 years before "This was not real socialism".
depressionFundamental AnalysisGDPKondratieff WaveTrend AnalysisUSA
