For over a century, the global economy has been developing in well determined cycles which have been scaringly exact! It is divided into 2 parts, half of it describes a strong bullish market, while the other half represents a non-trending period with more crashes and recoveries. Interestingly, since March 2000 (which is the begin of present sideways cycle's half ending soon) the market has moved sideways harmonicly, surging 161,8% of the range from previous top to the plummet's bottom. Similarly is 19000 level of the Dow for the range of 2008 crisis. Conditions are similar as well, the market showing sign of weakness and overbought conditions at the end of another cycle. Unfortunately, this chart gives hint at very pessimistic years to come soon and it would be wise to be aware and prepared But there is also a good part! Sun will shine again, market will probably totally recover beginning with 2020 and start another extremely bullish 2 decades and I am already very curious about the new technology that will lead to the next cycle!