Is an accumulation phase likely and how long might speculation h

By latticephreak
will an accumulation phase begin now and end with a late April/ early May reinvigorated impetus along BTCUSD's ''planned' parabolic store of value conflationary vortices, into which there are varieties, spanning reconcurrecy noise between crosscurrent, clockwise up/down, anti-clockwise up/down, and others, from the realm of light and bells equivalence... what does a three body problem look like if pulses come from equidistant 'stars'... Overlays between symbols and symbol timeframes, each view also with timed sequence line displa, well it could cut down on the chattery noise of extended myopia of frequent analysis within a few weeks of activity, made particularly rich by the trend line feature, and coincidence at times with those trends. With BTCUSD hitting its all time high, it seemed coincident signaling leading through the retest would be DOGEUSD. And so, a temporally sensitive question, assuming at this now both symbols will range into May, instead of continuing to rise now and in probably most of April.

Analysis here would be helped by charting major yearly over monthly, weekly, daily charts. For my level of attention comparisons between one and three day charts seem to balance well against high frequency turbulence of highly volatile, voluminous, or trend setting / following impulses and impellers.
BTCUSDcommentarydogeusdPivot PointsTrend Lines
