DOGE had a nice run and if you were one of the lucky ones who got in early and made a boatload of money then kudos to you. If you bought in anywhere over 1 cent then you're about to lose your money. DOGE was and still is just a meme coin, it'll never be anything more. The time is approaching where many of the top 100 cryptos on coinmarket cap will be valued for what they are, there are way too many extremely overvalued shltcoins right now. Doge will slowly bleed out over time, kinda like LUNA is doing now, and the same fate that Shib will have. It will take a while because of how many actually jumped onto this ship when it pumped and how many probably got in at the top hoping and holding to at least break even. I can see how many bought in at the top with the buy volumes and its disgusting. I feel really bad for anyone who actually spent more than 10 cents on this Dog let alone 78 cents at the peak. If you are still in profits then it would be wise to take profits before all is lost. Doge is about to tank, and drop out of this descending triangle and the correction will be fast and steep. The only thing keeping doge still alive is all the hype Youtube videos and charts predicting $40 or even $1 lol. This is just as bad as the LunaClassic crowd, Doge will never make a new high, it cant its already way overvalued. Anyways this is not financial advice this is just my opinion, do your own research. Invest in things that actually have some real world use or are working towards improving something in the world. Meme coins are cute but at the end of the day they are worthless. Good luck out there everyone and Im sorry for the bad news.