The Greatest Crash Of Our Lifetime Has Begun

By now it should be clear to you that once a trend goes exponential, it ultimately peaks and crashes. Once that's happened, it tends to go back to that launch point.

I don't publish much but the purpose of this is to protect you from the carnage ahead and allow you to both survive and prosper instead, this isn't guesswork. This is something we predictably do as humans: we create bubbles that we are utterly blind to.

After the Roaring 20's came the Great Depression.
After the Roaring 2000's came the great recession.
After the blustering bull market of 2009-2019, we are no preparing from a shakeout more painful than anything we've ever seen before. We have ten years of unprecedented government stimulus and money creation to thank for stretching this bubble beyond imagination. Equally, as history shows us clearly, every bubble leads to another bubble that bursts. No exceptions. The only near-term exception is central banks around the world printing $10 trillion-plus to offset the crisis and keep the banks from failing like they did in the early 1930's. But it's not an exception, it's a delay. Hundreds of trillions of dollars of debt are clogging up the world's veins. Sooner rather than later it will lead to a massive, global heart attack.

The good news is, this gives us the opportunity to predict the short of the market, grab stocks at "fire sale" prices, real estate dirt cheap, and businesses for cents on the dollar. When the time comes, let's just make sure we are cash rich before that happens.

Most people don't want to endure economic downturns, even though that's where all the great innovations happen and future prosperity is born. Humans generally resist change, and the economic cycles are all about change and progress. We tend to project the future in a linear way when the reality is instead both exponential and cyclical. That's why so few people can see ahead of the curve and fail at investing.

So in these charts above we have a few different scenario's marked up as to what smart money ( central banks and governments) may want to see happen before this next bear cycle begins. The first is we can potentially see price move back up into the 110 area to pick up the money left behind in that recent high, or we can entirely see them abandon ship and shoot all the way down to 77-70 region of the chart.

Just keep in mind that this next cycle is nothing like 2008, where you can see there were lows that the government stimulus surged us out of, beginning in late 2015. But instead, we are at all time highs across the board so high dollar, high stock market, high commodities market, worldwide shift in money policies.

Timing and the numbers on the charts are not what matter here, what matters is that this market correction whenever it occurs and whatever price it occurs at is non-debatable and in order to maximize our potential earnings and for-see what others do not see we must protect ourselves as it is about being ready to grab the opportunities that will present themselves when this time comes.

Comment below and let me know what you think!

Chart PatternscorrectiondollarDXYTrend Analysis

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