EBS a biotech company focused on vaccines

By AwesomeAvani
EBS is a small biotechnology company whose forte is the clean processing and manufacturing

facility that the FDA requires for certain bioprocessing to be certified for delivery of products

to end-user patients. It is not a research facility like the one in China that accidentally released

COVID and the global impact will be likely felt for another decade. EBS does depend on

federal support and income from contract work from vaccine manufacturers. There is

reasonable expectation or persistent and consistent revenues ongoing without fail unless

the FDA decertified the facilities. On the chart, EBS is in a flat bottom triangle on its base.

It is presently rising out of the triangle and towards the mean anchored VWAP It is just above

The POC line which functions as dynamic support in the demand zone. I see a long trade

with the stop loss below the POC line, the first target the blue line representing one standard

deviation above the mean VWAP at about 9.4 while the second target is the redline two

standard deviations above the mean VWAP at about 10.05 while the final target contemplates

that EBS will challenge the high in May of 10.75.

Trade active
Price rose to the first target quickly 25% of the position closed. Stop loss raised.
Trade is now risk-free.
