By NaughtyPines
... for a 3.33 credit.

Notes: My last acquisitional setup. Current yield at 3.48%, which beats SPY's weak sauce 1.89% hands down. Fine with getting assigned, proceeding to cover, or just keeping the premium.
Trade active
April expires worthless here, as with the XLU, IYR, and HYG short put ladders. Will consider adding back in rungs on weakness.
Trade active
Post-mopex, adding in some July 45's for 1.19. Total credits collected of 4.52.
Trade active
Pulling off the May 48's here for .05, leaving me with the June 47's and the July 45's. Total credits collected of 4.47. With 30-day IV at 30%, will not be re-upping with another rung at the moment.
Trade active
Out of the June 47's for .11; scratch at 4.36, leaving me with the July 45's.
Trade closed manually
Out of the July 47's for .24 today. Made 4.12 ($412)/contract total on the ladder. With 30-day at 26%, will have to wait until the next drop and pop to consider a re-do.
Beyond Technical AnalysisEFAladderedshortputsoptionsstrategiespremiumsellling
