WOJAK 102 - To Hold or Not to Hold? (+ new quiz)

Hi people (good and bad),

First of all allow me to say that not all of you fall in the 'Wojak category' but for SURE some people here do.
Usually the ones that never post anything yet they know everything in the comments area.
The 'hey you said fantom might go to 100$ but the market crashed''
(look at the levels next time, set stop losses below support and be happy. Not to mention that i always give you at least some short posts as well...anyways)

So here is a classic example:
EOS trade, obviously a good one, Price hit target 1 (of 3 Targets) and breached it over so now we have support.

What do we do?
- Close it
- Leave it open and pray. Might get better-might lose the profits
- Somewhere in the middle: close partially, take some profit, leave some of it open
- Be aggressive and compound it even more. Keep your winners and be greedy

Personally, by default, I am taking some profit.
In this case i am taking 1/3rd, closing 33% of the position
If the price dips under 1.80 (previous resistance and now support) I will be closing another 1/3rd (in huge profit of around 1500%). Might close all of it under that level, would depend on the moment/market.

Would i compound again?
Not in this case, enough. Already compounded (increased leverage twice (from 20 to 35 to x50) and compounded profits once!
In general, after i have some profit and i 'smell' a potential run (a trend) i will compound; even a few times.
In this case EOS was Trending in a Ranging market (that's another story, not for Wojak series).

I think I've shared enough and i hope it helps but i will say some more, the most important:

Have daily limits, learn how to trade, have FUN OR DON'T TRADE AT ALL and last but not least:
Don't be a hater, cause haters are losers. Be happy for others and may you also be happy in return.

''Hey, Professor you open 20 trades and share the best one'':
a. even if i had lost 19/20, am I still in profit or in loss? .... (tricky question for you, answer it to yourself before scrolling down)
b. most of my trades are closed with a small profit or loss (no trade is ever bigger than 5% of my budget and that is also replenish-able)
c. I do not share my best % results with you. It's too much for some
d. Don't believe me? 👉 Take the Quiz below and think again 👈

One Love,


1940% Return.. so if position was opened with 'X' amount (margin) how much is the position worth now?

(this is a new quiz that some of you asked after nobody got the first one same prize)

Chart PatternsEOSFundamental AnalysisTrend Analysiswojak

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