Important numbers tomorrow, a plan for the trades - ES / SPX

By the_sunship
All in the video. I do believe one more push up into Friday is looking more likely as of now. If we have a gap up or gap down tomorrow, the plan is pretty clear, so I'll just wait to see what they want to do after 8:30. Oil is in a similar predicament, the VIX and Dollar can both drop a bit more before finding support.

Good luck!
we have a slightly high high after the numbers and the 4 hr rsi bearish divergence. Price rally can continue but I believe we're running out of steam soon. snapshot
vix to daily BB still possible but it doesn't have to go that low. One more lower low may be enough. snapshot
be careful this may only be the first leg of 5 snapshot
it's possible the sell off I think is coming starts today, however we'll really need some selling stregth to get below 3950 on ES - there are 3 important MA's right next to each other there. Personally I'm going to wait and see if they can get this higher or if they can break 3950, I'll short a backtest. snapshot
this price action is eerily similar to the period right before the covid crash. i remember thinking the market was topping and went short only to have it push incrementally higher for many more days. Extremely frustrating and many bulls got loud and many bears got quiet. Even with covid news hitting the TV, market kept on creeping up. Then one day the market started paying attention and it cracked. We're seeing something similar right now with Russia/Ukraine. The war is getting more more dangerous, but the market for now is not caring. Possibly the FED ruins the party or gives it the final push up, I don't know. Patience is key around these times. It's very easy to give up, but I'm still convinced we are getting close to the end of this countertrend rally and when it breaks it will break hard.
both djt and iwm showing relative weakness today, some use them as a leading indicator
right before the covid crash -daily snapshot
and now snapshot
so yes not exactly the same, but similar dip buying with technical weakness underlying. Covid crash had building bearsh divergence, and now we have building hidden bearish divergence.
weekly rsi now at resistance area when the previous rallies have stopped, FWIW snapshot
Bollinger band still higher and logically that would be the target, however there's nothing saying a pullback or selloff couldn't happen today with the personal income numbers at 830. The potential 5th wave may be done, not sure. Good luck snapshot
its possible futures made a triangle overnight. a break above the previous high would mean another leg higher. a break below recent lows and the triangle is invalid. snapshot
breakout and higher, still with 4hr bear divergence. VIX new low may happen today, with more bull divergences

another lower low on the vix with daily divergence. I know everything looks bad for bears and most will likely give up soon. ES is near BB but could go farther and may just do that today. snapshot
hidden bearish divergence getting pretty steep on the daily chart. snapshot
oil is falling apart and is an objective short on any bounce, maybe leading the market. snapshot
Chart PatternsDXYS&P 500 E-Mini FuturesTechnical IndicatorsSPX (S&P 500 Index)VIX CBOE Volatility IndexWave Analysis

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