Backtesting Part 2: Testing Your Trading System in 3 Easy Steps

In my earlier article, "Proving Your Trading System with Backtesting", I outlined the HOWs and WHYs of backtesting. Does your trading system work under all conditions? Under what conditions might it *not* work? Can you remove those instances from your plan? Under what conditions might you *improve* your win rate? In another article, "The Unexamined Trader", Just as an unexamined life is not worth living, the unexamined trader should not be trading a system that has not been tested under every market condition (and I mean TORTURE tested under HUNDREDS of trades).

This video will show you HOW you can backtest your own system over time, determine its results, and refine it until it is bulletproof (or marketproof!).

All you need is a Trading System, a Spreadsheet, and a great trading platform (ahem, like TradingView) :-)

It will take some time and effort, but like everything else in life, if you don't put in the work, you won't get the results. And if you put in the work, you won't have to put a DIME of your precious capital into the market until you are CONFIDENT that your system will multiply that money in your account rather than feed the market monster.

I hope you enjoy the video... but more importantly I hope it will help you become a better trader. If this was beneficial to you please feel free to leave a like, a follow, or a comment... I'd love to hear from you and stay in touch as we all move forward in our trading journeys!

Trade hard, and trade well!

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