ES (SPX, SPY) EW projection, correction nearing completion

By c0de4
Two scenarios:
1. Correction may have completed an ABC from September high's in the form of a 3-3-5. This is bullish and can take us to ATH's.
2. Correction may still be in the third leg down and moving up short-term in a smaller Wave B, this would be a WXY that would complete as a 3-3-3 with target of ~3150.

Currently learning towards Scenario 1 but a large unexpected event can significantly impact this correction. Watching for price action at the 3330 and the 3360 levels for confirmation.
Trade active
We got a perfect Wave 4 retracement to 23.6% on Friday, entered some SPY calls and they were up nearly 400% today.

Targets have been hit but SPY/ES can run higher here if Wave 5 becomes extended given the current market conditions, re: election over, vaccine news, etc.
Trade closed: target reached
Elliott Wave
