ETH overperformance incoming. 1250$ before New Year.

By hoschnok
It seems TA is worth shit at this moment. Was looking for entry on Litecoin and it went up 200% in under one week. This is FOMO kicking in. All the new registrations on coinbase looking for quick money and Ethereum and Litecoin are the only options there. Both seem to give potentially more gains in the near future, so people are jumping on the train. We are at new ATH on the USDETH already, but similar to Litecoin I expect the run to continue. Especially when newcomers educate themselves about what ETH is and what possibilities it gives. Moreover, when looking at the USD chart it has been quite stable at 300$ for quite some time and looks oversold on the ETHBTC. Things like the Ethereum Alliance, headlines about "worlds suppercompter", and 2017s ICOs, will give people confidence to invest, because they won't read much about fundamental problems and greed is strong. Also Litecoin has simply crushed the 200 USD resistance, so 1000 USD psychological resistance, probably will have the opposite effect too, once it breaks. I expect this run to at least go until 0.071 BTC, which would currently be at around 1250$.

Everything at the 10 EMA on the hourly I consider a good entry right now. Increase the Stop-Loss on your way up.

Happy FOMO guys.
short term you can get entry now and have first profit targets at 0.05 BTC

Short term pause. 2:1 trading option.
Trend Analysis
