Tokenomics- stakeholder capitalism

Since Cryptokittys- tokenization of assets on the blockchain has exploded, perhaps for the wrong reasons. Whilst this author predicts that the current iteration of NFTs will become more worthless than the BTC ticker: ETH and tokenization will take the world by storm.

Notably, the shift to stakeholder capitalism will require a transparent, decentralized and trustless division, and provision: of capital, resources and labour. Non fungible tokens can facilitate this.

As capitalism becomes stakeholder capitalism: and industry 3 becomes industry 4 and 5; shareholding will become stakeholding. All entities involved in an enterprise: from cradle to grave; will contribute to its success or failure. Profiteering will give way to ethics, sustainability and governance; with attention to equality and diversity. The supply chain will be transparent and equitable. Decentralised autonomous organizations can ensure this.

You will own nothing and be happy

Beyond Technical Analysistokenization
